Not even really a competition

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I slept with that dragon. Honestly the moment Sullivan left me, I fell on the ground and then just fell asleep while Ghidorah was snuggeling up on me. I was done with everything and I felt soo powerless in terms of energy. I was simply tired and this had just took me all my nerves and energy to tame something I had no idea about. My life was at stake all time and my each of my senses were on edge working all the time to secure that I would not die all of the sudden thanks to a flying piano or any demon who decided to snack on me.

Anyways, I had the best night sleep ever and when the time came to actually go to that gather, Sullivan came to pick me up. He told me to get on ghidorah and we would fly there. Of course I did what he said but when we got there there was somewhat of a comotion seeing my familiar.

Sullivan: Ah please, everyone calm down. My grandson is here with his familiar to participate in the contest.

They looked at me and the thing as if I was insane and tired of life. Yeah, I could totally understand that feeling. I was not normal definitely not normal riding this thing at all.

Crow 2: What in the name of the unholy..... what have you brought with you Sullivan?

Sullivan: Ah I brought my own grandson with me just like you.

Crow 2: And he is riding that? How is he not dead?

Sullivan: It is his familiar.

???: Grandpa, I am not fighting that thing....

???: Neither am I grandma.

Sullivan: Oh great, that settles it.

Crow 1: You did that on purpose!

Sullivan: It is a deserved role or do you want to go up against it?

Crow 1: You know that it can kill any of us including you with ease. That is the reason it was even chained up. How did this happen?

Maybe it was not a good idea to tell them that I actually broke the chains and released it... and my blood on the arrow healed the wound? Yeah... I had a feeling that this was definitely not a good timing to say that at all. I believe there was never a good timing for that at all because anyone would regard me as crazy plus the healing thing was just a human thing.

Sullivan: Is that important. The land needs a king and he is perfect for it.

Crow 5: Perfect my ass! We don't know anything about him. How do you expect us to follow his lead.

Sullivan: I don't.

Crow 6: Then?

Crow 3: I am curious as well. What are your intentions with him? Why did you brought him here uninvited?

Crow 8: Don't tell me we can actually judge over him?

Crow 10: As if we wouldn't be doing that already. Look at how skinny he is!

Ghidorah: GRRRRRRRRR- hisssssss

Crow 11: I think you should take that back.

Crow 10: Oh you think?

Crow 12: You are not normal.

Me: .... tell me something new....

I was still riding on ghidorah and we just landed in front of that tower where everyone was rushing out to look at what was going on. Well this was not a normal sight and by what one of them said, I already knew why because they were actually scared. I felt this around each one of their race before. It was not a pleasent feeling knowing that one is at the bottom of the foodchain. I was still below them but now that I got this familiar, I felt soo much better and this threat that was actually coming at me, was nothing anymore. It was not bothering me at all ever since the contract with my familiar was made. I don't really know if that was agood thing or a bad one but for now, I could think a lot better without that fear infused in my bones.

Sullivan: Now then, does anyone have to say something against my grandson to be the next king?

As if anyone dares to speak against you.... or ghidorah....

Someone really must have a deathwish going against this monster...

I barely could breath around it... and the only reason why I could move was because I knew I would be dead if I didn't make it but also if I make it.

Ah life... why does eversyone value it this much... this is insane!

Why does anyone have to force someone to do something this crazy!

I better not say this out loud.

At least I can live a normal peacful life with ghidorah at my side.

Ah and


Tell me one thing I must do and learn to face me for real!

The fuck is Sullivan even doing?

He got a random killer kid and put him through hell, I mean me.

That's not normal!

Dude, you are the most insane lunatic I can see here!


There goes my pent up stress and anger....

I can controll this...

No thoughts allowed... no nothing... just relax and calm down like you did for the last two days!

Just relax... breathe in... and out...






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