The reality

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That one demon that apparently was called Opera looked somehow like a red cat and he did get me home by picking me up and then running out. I didn't question things and I certainly was not about to disobey since this was my only chance to survive. Funny how it took him only a couple of minutes before he let me down in front of a big house.

Opera: Follow me.

Me: Yes.

Opera: Sullivan told me to prepare you something to eat and drink, any preferences?

Me: None.

Opera: Alright.

He basically left me in a room that looked like a huge dinning room. Everything was beautiful in here and the more I was looking around the more I was confronted with the fact that this world was definitely not the human word anymore. I had to find a way to survive here and maybe it would be better than the hell I lived for so long. Maybe I could even stop killing people.

I started thinking over and over about the new start that I got here. It was a chance I never dreamed about and who knows, maybe I could actually be someone here who was free from all the burdon that I had. Of course I knew I couldn't get rid of my past and the nightmares but I could try to be a better man from now on.

It took just a bit before Opera came back inside the room and put some food in front of me. Everything looked terrible but I had eaten worse and even if this would poison me, I wouldn't care about this at all. 

Me: Thank you.

Without much of a thought, I started to eat what I got in front o me and despite how it looked it was the best food I had ever tasted to a point that a tear went down my cheek.

Opera: Is something wrong?

Me: No... no.... it's just soo delicious. Thank you.

I smiled at the demon. It was a nostalgic and small smile. The last time I had something this good was actually when I had dinner with all the Yakuza members. It was just on happy ocasions but it was the best time I had with them.

Opera: Then please, eat as much as you want.

Maybe I imagined it but this demon smiled back and me and he didn't seemed as frightened than before as well. Was this my imagination or was I getting used to the fact that there was no escape from here. I had to deal with this situation without an escape or a second chance. As if there was ever a second chance at all.

While I was eating, I felt the stares of this demon at me and after I started, I couldn't help but wonder why it was this much food in front of me. It was definitely a serving for more than one person. 

Me: Why don't you join me?

Opera: A could never.

Me: Please. There is enough food for you and even more people. 

Opera: I prepared enough since I didn't know what you liked.

Me: Thanks but really, please join me. It feels a bit unconfortable eating by myself.

Finally after I said that the demon sat right next to me and joined me. It felt soo much better than being stared at and for some reason I even thought putting some food on his table was a good idea. It felt right to do which is why I did it. In return the demon froze for a bit before smiling at me and then eating the piece I put on his plate. 

Sullivan: Ah I see you are still not finished. Great, I'll join you.

The door was opened or so I thought since I didn't really heard it opening but this man was walking towards us and made himself at home right opposit my seat. He immediately started eating as well and we all ate in silence until we were all done.

Sullivan: Opera, this is Iruma. As you may have guessed already, he is our little culprits. However he is also human and I decided to take him in as my grandson on a whimp.

Opera: I understand.

Sullivan: Iruma, this Opera if you need anything ask him and he will bring it to you.

Me: ahm thanks...

Sullivan: Now then, shall we discuss your future now?

Me: ....

I was a bit scared about what would come but it was inevitable to listen to it anyways. Everything was my fault and in the end all I have tried was to live. Was my life that bad? Was the choice I made to kill these demons wrong? Was my whole life even worth to be called a past or a life? In the end, I also knew that I was just a machine created to kill people on command and retrieve stolen things as well.... no, I was never human, I was never the owner of my body, I was never my own master..... I was simply just a tool for others.

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