No choice but to accept

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Me: .... what do I have to do?

It was a heavy question which had to be asked. I was here on a foreign land after all and there was nothing I knew about it at all.

Sullivan: You will become the next king.

Me: PFfff- pardon me?

I was about to drink something since I felt my throat dry out of all the unnecessary anxiety and the pressure inside the room. However as I just started drinking, he said that and I couldn't help but spit a bit out and start coughing really really badly as well. It was Opera who came towards me and he immediately patted my back a bit in order to help me out. A nice guesture but that was all there was.

Me: Say that again.

Sullivan: You will become the next king.

Me: Me?

Sullivan: Yes.

Me: I am a human.... a killer...

Sullivan: Which is something we have to change in the future.

Me: .... I don't understand.

Sullivan: There is this fortelling about the next demon king and there is a hint about it being a human as well.

Me: And then you chose me to be the next king?

Sullivan: Oh no. I would have gotten another human child to be the rightful king. However since you are already here, I might as well make the most out of it and see what I could do with you.

Me: So I am a replacement?

Sullivan: It doesn't matter who it is. What is important is that it has to be a human.

Me: You got the wrong person for this.

By far, I was soo not a gentle person nor was I kinglike at all. I was simply a killer and had no remorse about any of the kill I did as well. At first I felt something for the victims but after a couple of them, I stopped feeling anything. It was so that I could protect myself from anything. I didn't wanted to feel the pain and have nightmares about the victims that I kill. I just wanted peace.

Sullivan: What is wrong and what is right in this case?

Me: Look, I am a killer. I can't be a king.

Sullivan: And you are in a demon world where the king is standing above them all in terms of power. The king has to be a person who can easily judge and wouldn't even second guess a death sentence.

Me: Nooo... I am by far no king.

Sullivan: Your choice but remember if you chose not to, I fear, I have to expose what happened earlier.

Me: ....

Sullivan: You will face a sentence worse than death here for these crimes you have commited.

I knew that. I knew it already. The more he was talking to me, the more I understood my situation. He needed someone to jump in and fill the role of king and I needed someone to rely on in this world as well as power to protect myself. Honestly it wouldn't be such a bad idea if not for the fact that he did say something about humans being weak or was it that they were the bottom of the foodchain... well I don't care about the exact words. I knew what he meant and I could feel it as well. This was just not the best thing... neither options were safe for me but at least I would have a chance if I would go with the first one.

Me: ..... fine....

Sullivan: Ah I am soo glad that you agree with me.

Me: ....

Opera: Then I assume he will be participating in the competition as well.

Sullivan: Of course.

Me: What competition?

Sullivan: Ah I was about to explain that to you as well.


For some reasons, I found myself speechless at this demon. Was this normal behaviour for him or was it just me. Not only was I kinda forced to take up the role of king but there is now also a competition for this as well. I never remember that I signed up for that at all. 

Sullivan: The other member of the higher demons decided to nominate their grandchildren for this.

Me: How many people am I against?

Sullivan: Two other.

Me: Is killing allowed there?

Sullivan: Of course.

Me: .. not or is it?

Sullivan: It is. That is why you are the perfect candidate. I hope you can remember that showing mercy is a strength as well.

Me: .... *sigh* do I get weapons then?

Sullivan: Whatever you need.

Me: Alright... at least I can work with that.

Don't even ask why my first thought was if I could kill the others. It would make matters definitely a lot easier if there were not other people I had to take care off for sure. Why compete against people if I could simply get rid of them and rule like a tyrant... not as if I knew how to rule or what this land was all about or what problems it had. This role was by far not for me but I had to survive and I had to live. If that was the only thing I had to acomplish to live, then so be it!

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