A demon vs a real one!

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The sound of someone being there scared me soo much that I jumped, turned around and simply shot all the bullets left. There was not much but about 2 and I just wasted the two before I wanted to run but was picked up from the ground.

Me: WOW... WOW... WOW.... this can't be happening....

I might be scared right now but I never showed my fear. The mask I was wearing was flawless but the moment I was picked up from the ground, I dropped everything and I could feel it. My bones were shaking, my hands were a bit as well as I was looking how I was starting to get further and furhter away from the ground.

Me: Put me down!

Sullivan: Who do we have here?


Sullivan: You are not one of us.

Me: Please... 

Sullivan: But who might you be?

Me: ....

Sullivan: Let's get to see you up closer!

I felt a pull and the next thing I know I was in front of this old man. He looked old to me but these horns were definitely no joke. This was once again a moment where I thought that everything was not real but the force that I felt was real. There was no way that couldn't be real at all. Still I would have liked it more if this was truly not real at all.

Sullivan: A human?

Me: .... and you a demon?

Sullivan: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA is this your first time seeing one?

Me: I.... they call me a demon and now I see one... I must have gone insane....

Sullivan: Oh no. You are quite of sound mind child. 

Me: .... fuck....

Sullivan: I am Sullivan, what is your name child?

Me: .....

I was so not ready to deal with this at all. I mean there was a demon in front of me! A REAL DEMON! Who would be ready to actually face someone like that? I always thought that I was losing it slowly the moment I got into this damn forest and now they say this is real? If I lost it, then I lost it good but my senses and everything else aorund me were proof that this was reality and not something else. Then please someone explain to me how this was happening.

Me: I... I need a moment....

Sullivan: .... 

The demon looked towards me and then past me. It was clear to anyone what just happened especially when I was covered in blood but right now, my mind was just simply blank. I could honestly just do what he asked because I didn't know what else to do. My hair was literally standing up and my instincts were screaming at me that this person in front of me could kill me any moment if he wanted it.

Me: ....

Sullivan: Did you do that?

Me: Yes...

Sullivan: Is there a reason for this?

Me: .... Kill or be Killed.... 

Sullivan: Kill or be killed is that so?

Me: Yes...

Sullivan: What's your name?

Me: Iruma... 

Sullivan: Well than Iruma, it seems as if you just did the impossible.

Confusion was all that I had in my mind when he said that. Was it that impossible to kill a demon or was it me who shouldn't be here and I just did the impossible. I was leaning towards the second option more than anything else but I didn't had an explenation for that either. I just found myself here.

Sullivan: Do you know how you got here?

Me: No... actually can you explain it to me?

Sullivan: Me?

Me: ... yeah?

Sullivan: Unfortunately, I do not know that.

Me: .... any way I can get back?

Sullivan: After what you have done?

Me: ....

Oh I knew I fucked up, arlight. There was no need to say it that way and even question it as well. I killed people and he was probably mad about that. Though what was I supposed to do? I was running away from people before! How was I supposed to knwo that this was not a trick by them and that this was not something I was hallucinating at all?! HUH! Someone explain to me how I was supposed to normally think that this was a demon world and this was all normal and don't start panicking at all... yeah no! No matter what, there was no way, I would have done nor believed any word said to me that had the word demon in it and was not meaning me.

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