You sure are something...

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I would be so laying if I would say that I was not afraid since seeing that real demon. It was flying, I was elevating off the ground and everything was just screaming at me to run. This was dangerous but was there something I could do right now? All I could think off was to stay alive no matter what.

Sullivan: Did you kill two of my people?

Me: Yes....

Sullivan: Brave to admit that.

Me: Lying wouldn't work anyways.

Sullivan: How very observant.

Me: What are you gonna do now to me?

Sullivan: You have two choices.

Me: ....

Sullivan: First one accept living here and repent your action.

Me: ...

Sullivan: The other one would death since that is our very own law. We can't have someone running around killing demons here and there. That would be too dangerous.

Me: ....

If I had the option, if this being would give me the option, of course I would chose the first one.I didn't wanted to actually die this young. I never wanted to kill anyone. I just had to. I didn't know it differently at all. Who could blame me for that? I was sold, my body and my soul were trained for this ever since I was young. What are flowers? What is love? What is a warm home? I never had something like that. All my life I was walking on eggshells even with the yakuzas.

Sullivan: Now chose.

Me: You let me chose?

Sullivan: Who else if not you?

Me: I thought I won't have a say in this.

Sullivan: I am not that cruel. Besides I do have my very own goal in mind as well.

Me: I want to live.

Sullivan: So it is the first option.

Me: Yes. Please, I don't want to die.

Something about my plea was more than sincere. I never actually had to plead for my life. Right now, all I could do was exactly that and even then, I knew that if this creature set his mind to it, nothing could have saved me. However I still wanted to try my best and live. I was young and I regretted soo many things in life. If I had a chance to turn over a new leave in my own life then I would do it.

Sullivan: Splendid!

I was confused at that smile and that reaction. He put me down once again before he then snapped his finger and my outfit changed. I was wearing something blue and it looked like a uniform as well.

Sullivan: Keep in mind that humans are food here. It would do you good not to let anyone know about this fact.

Me: I understand.

Sullivan: If you do, then follow me.

I did follow the man out of the forest towards a group of more demons. They were all there sitting and doing nothing while some older ones were seeimgly carrying and also talking to them and each other. The closer I got to everyone the more scared I felt. This feeling I got was just anxiety and I feared for my life. The hair on my skin was all standing up as this older one was actually leading me straight to all of them.

Sullivan: Opera, bring my grandson home.

Opera: Pardon?

Sullivan: You heard me.

Opera: I did.

It was at this moment that I remembered that this demon did say his name earlier but he did mention it just soo shortly that I had already forgotten it. I had focused on everything else more.

Me: Ahm... Ojichan?

Sullivan: Yes, Irumachi?

Ohh my gosh, the goosebumps I got from calling him that and seeing him smile sweetly at me was just insane and out of this world. I felt unconfortable but there was nothing I could change here.

Me: Can we not all go?

Sullivan: Ah but I have some things to do here and deal with someones mess.

Me: ....

I knew what he meant and he didn't had to remind me about it at all. For now my plan was to play along and let him be my grandfather. Maybe this way, I could survive down here. I had no idea what to do else. I couldn't obviously fight my way around here without any weapons and this old demon was no math for me anyways. After all I was just a simple human.

Sullivan: Please prepare something to eat and drink for him as well Opera.

Opera: Yes, Sullivan.

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