Congrats you survived!

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As I was standing there not knowing what to do, I started to hear some clapping and that was what got me soo confused and made me look back to see Sullivan there. He was apparently watching me the whole time from what I could see.

Me: ... seirously? You couldn't have helped me at all?!

Sullivan: This is something you needed to do on your own.

Me: And die?!

Sullivan: Oh Irumachi, I would have saved you if that would be the case.

Me: ....

Sullivan: Now we should do the rituatl.

Me: ....

Why was I feeling as if this man was joking with my life? I felt worse than ever but for some reason I also felt like that this was all so ridiculous that I could start laughing and crying at the same time. Better to actually stay with that pokerface of mine. Who knows what trouble I would get myself into if I would break it.

This old man came flying towards me and who knows what it was actually that he wanted but for me it seemed as if this was all his plan. Not only that but he started to do something and then gave me a paper with something ingraved on it to burn in his flames.

I did and I watched a magic cirlce of light come right from the bottom of this creature. It screamed out and some chakles appeared but it didn't fight them. In the contrary it bit one and pulled it up closer around it. This was insane to watch and it was just a small second before it actually went back to being normal without any light around.

Sullivan: Ah I am soo happy for you to have managed to tame the most powerful beast that had to be sealed away by the very first king!

Me: .... say what now?

Sullivan: It is a precious being. Please take care of it.

Oh I felt as if all these moments were just piling up and I was just seeing this man as a completly other being now. Was he really a demon or was he something more? Who knows, I was not about to question things and I was certainly not about to question my sanity.

Now that the creature apparently belonged to me, each of the heads came down forward to me and it was obvious that it wanted me to touch it and I did that. It seemed soo happy and I couldn't help but look at it's eyes and think that it must have been lonely for such a long time being all alone just like myself.

Me: Please take good care off me.

I couldn't help but smile while I was petting the head. It seemed to pleased as well as it roared out a bit. 

This was really beautiful to see and it was not that I didn't felt powerless and afraid anymore. This creature was giving me conficence and power. How was I able to tame a beast like that? I think it was lonely and not only that but it was locked up in here for soo long that who knows how much it wanted to be free? Maybe it was soo desperate that me freeing it made it be this thankful or it wanted to just be together with someone. Who knows... who knows....

Sullivan: Now that you are ready for tomorrow, let's get back.

Me: No.

Sullivan: No?

Me: I'll be staying with it for today.

Sullivan: ....very well. I'll send Opera later to get you something to eat.

Me: Thanks.

It was a hunch but I felt as if this creature was lonely and needed someone to be by its side. It might have been wrong doint this but who cares. I had made soo many bad choices already, one more or less wouldn't be hurting me anymore.

Me: Grandpa....?

Sullivan: Yes, Iruma?

Me: You knew I would come here, didn't you?

Sullivan: I had a guess you would find him.

Me: Him?... what's his name?

Sullivan: He had one but how about giving it a new name?

Me: Then I'll call you Ghidorah.

That was the great three headed dragon that was on par with Godzilla.

Another roar echoed through the room as this beast seemed to have accepted the name. Each one of the heads was using some kind of power. One was acid, one was spewing blue flames another one lighting, one ice and one had something green that looked like poison.

This was indeed a new chance and this time my chances of surviving increased once again.

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