All about it!

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It was an understatement to say that I didn't had a much time to prepare for basically anything. In fact I had no time for anything like that. Though let's be honest here, I was kinda really happy that Sullivan let me rest for the rest of the day but if I had known that he was only giving me one day to chose all the necessary weapons and get mentally prepared for it, I would have refused and told him that I would rather find the best weapon.

Half a day! 

That is the time it took me to find suitable weapons in form of swords, daggers, arrows and a bow as well as throwing daggers and starts. I was simply decked out with all kind of deadly and sharp weapons. Some had some poison laced on the blade as well. Let's not ignore the fact that demons had some kind of energy or magic or call it whatever you want. I wanted to be prepared and has soo mand different poisons in my little pockets all over the costume I was wearing.

For the special day, I would have something more skin tight and completly black but I did also insist on wearing a smoking with a rose on the side pocket.

Once I was done it was already dinner time and we were all sitting together. This was the moment Sullivan was supposed to tell me more but instead was dropping a huge bomb on me instead.

Sullivan: Are you prepared for the meeting tomorrow.

Me: Tomorrow?

Sullivan: Yes, tomorrow.

He never actually told me anything about when it was happening. The only reason why I was actually looking for weapons this early int he morning up until now was because I felt naked without them. There was no way I wanted to be naked when I was facing a demon at all. They could fry me if I wasn't being careful for sure.

Me: You never said anything about that.

Sullivan: Oh haven't I?

Me: NO!

Sullivan: Then it must have slipped my mind.

Me: ....

Sullivan: Anyways, tomorrow is the big day.

Me: I need more information. Give me everything you know.

Sullivan: Everything I know... how about we start with the other participants?

Me: I would appreciate that. Anything I need to know about special abilites, demon specific things, magic or whatever?

Sullivan: HAHAHAHAHA all the weapons you chose together with Opera earlier are special. They have their own will and normally wouldn't be able to be weilded. However they seem to like you.

I definitely had no idea about that and was just picking things up that either looked pretty or they seemed useful for a fight. If I had knew something about that, I would have been a lot more careful because what would have happened if they didn't liked me at all? Just thinking about posibilites made me not want to ask about that at all.

Me: So they will help me counter the magic?

Sullivan: Indeed.

Me: Great! One problem less.

Sullivan: Now here comes the things you need to know about them....

What followed next were just stories he heard. Nothing concrete and nothing that could help me at all. They were just stories about the kids and how they would act around their grandparents which was definitely no help. Grandparents and Parents usually would exagerate things and this might be the case here as well but nontheless I was about to be careful while handeling them. I had to make the fight short, no matter what! This was the conclusion I came to. have.

Me: okay but what about the competition. Does it start tomorrow as well?

Sullivan: A part of it.

Me: That means?

Sullivan: You will be meeting the thirteen crows.

Me: The what now?

Sullivan: I am a member of them but only the strongest demons, thirteen in total will be gathered there. They will be judging you and asking you questions.

Me: What kind of questions?

Sullivan: Ah who knows. 

Me: ... not helping.

Sullivan: Instead, why not show me what you can do with these weapons instead?

Me: No, I need to prepapre myself for tomorrow.

Sullivan: You are no fun. Why not spend some time with your grandpa?

Me: Because I do not want to die tomorrow.

Sullivan: As if they would dare to kill you.

Me: May I remind yout hat I am a human?

Oh how much I wanted to panick, scream and pull my hair or more precise his hair but I couldn't do that at all. I had to stay calm and just do what I've been told as I usually would handle things. That also meant that I was discarting my emotions completly and was by now only acting on pure instinct and prepareing for the worst.

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