A familiar... you must be kidding me!

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The more I was thinking about this, the more I thought that this was the worste idea ever in this and every other world. Me being a king is simply impossible but did I had a choice?

Me: So what is the context all about?

Sullivan: Ah some shooting, some racing, some fighting. Just showing off your skills.

Me: May I remind you that I can't fly, can't use magic and so on?

Sullivan: Don't worry about that.

Me: ....

I was looking at the man in a very questionable way since that was more than just a bit suspicious. How could I not worry about anything like that all? Was he even serious with what he was saying or was this man just stupidly dumb?

Me: And how so?

Sullivan: Because you can simply tame a beast and use your familiar.

Me: I don't have that ability nor a familiar.

Sullivan: Ah we will change that. Come with me.

Now it was getting interesting but this was definitely also weird. It sounded as if this man was expecting me to actually jugle with everything and then explain to him I was doing it without any arms. Yeah... that couldn't simply work at all. Nontheless I went with the man and we got outside I think, hard to tell with that dungeon stuff going on and everything else. It looked like the garden for me but could also just be something else. Anyways he picked me up and then started flying to a location where he put me down and then looked at me expecting me to do something. 

Me: Where are we?

Sullivan: Oh good question. This is the place where all the familiars like to gather.

Me: .... and what am I supposed to do here?

Sullivan: Tame one.

Me: .... say that again, I think I might have heard you wrong.

Sullivan: Go out and tame one.

Me: How am I supposed to do that?

Sullivan: I don't know, find it out yourself.

Seriously that guy! I wanted to say something back to him but he just left me there and threw a bow at me. What was I supposed to do with that and a knife??? This man was definitely insanse and I was not feeling anything for this place or that man. They could all go die in hell if they wanted.


I started looking around a bit and quickly started seeing monsters. There were all kind of monsters but I needed something strategically wise. It had to be something that could help me out in soo many different situations. The unicorn here was not an option, neither was that skeleton horse with wings or flaming tiger. I needed something stronger and something that could fly as well. There were a couple of monsters but the more I started looking around the more I felt as if these things were just preys. They didn't feel threatened at all which also meant that my target was not here.

It might have been a stupid idea but I started to lookg for a place where none of the monsters wanted to enter. That could mean a couple of reasons but if I was right, then I would find the top of their foodchain right there. The predator of all monsters and a fine monster I definitely had to make my own.

Hours past while I was looking around.

It was a total understatement if I would say that looking for something I had no clue was really hard. Though I knew what I was searching for since I was an experienced hunter. Usually there would be a cave or something where the animal was resting and not hiding but every other animal would avoid that place knowing what would await them there.

So while I was looking around, I found a place just like that but what I found inside was a bit well... it was huge and it was definitelly not just a normal beast.

Oh great....

I have to deal with that!

How am I supposed to make it acknowledge me?

Looking at the laying creature, I could see a dragon with 5 heads. Each of the heads had a different color and looked different as well. Though each of them on their own looked more than just troublesome and dangerous. Now how in the world was I actually supposed to tame that beast without dying?

 Now how in the world was I actually supposed to tame that beast without dying?

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