Welcome to the fire!

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Where is this place?

Nothing looks nearly close to anything I know.

What do I do now?

Let's first find a place to rest and hide and regroup my thoughts.

What do I remember last...

What do I know about this situation... and what do I do next...

I need a plan!

I can't just run around like this!

As I was running in what was seemingly like a forest, I started hearing some voices. I didn't know what was going on but I was also not about to ask anything at all. Who knows who these people were and I was certainly not about to ask my good luck and fate if today was the day I was supposed to die. 

Not with me!

Not today!

I hid behind a tree and grabbed my knife since I lost my throwing knifes in the library and was just waiting for whoever was there to come closer. No one could have seen me or reacted as fast as I did.

???: So where should we go to get the most out of this?

???: We?

???: Come on, why do you think I am walking with you the whole time!

???: Ah how about because you are not with that other one?

???: Come on buddy, don't be like that!

As I was there hiding behind a tree, I could see someone with a lionhead and another guy with a cat head pass me. I must be dreaming for this for sure but there was not a chance that this thing was not real. I could feel the wind and if I pinched myself, I could feel the pain as well which only left me thinking that I got drugged and put out somehwere so they could hunt me like an animal.

Maybe death would be better than this sick game.

When I looked at them looking around being quite clueless, I couldn't help but slowly approach them like a wild animal would do towards their prey. I didn't quite care about who or what was going on. All I knew was that I had to kill to survive and so I made my way towards them slowly and silently till I was close enough to leep out and stab the lion in the back. 

The lion guy fell down to the ground and the other one started to scream and run. I was too focused on the lion since that felt way too real for it to be an illusion or a halucination of mine. I was not sure why I was obsessed with this guy but I turned him around after I felt the warm temperature of the blood and started to get his chest wide open and naked tearing through all the clothes.

Me: Now let's see how much I can hallucinate...

Once the chest was openly accessible for me, I stabbed him quite hard right above where the ripcage would start and started to make a deep cut all the way from the chest to the stomah area and then put the knife away to pray the rib cage open ignoring the cracking and breaking sound of the bones. Now I was baffled. It looked normal like a human being one but why was the blood green and not red... no that was not quite the color it was even a bit yellowish.

Was I losing my mimd here or something?

What was going on?

This couldn't be real!

And to be honest it was scaring me soo badly that I jumped up and backed away till I heard more movement and started running. More people were coming but if they were people than what was that just now? Was I still insane? Was I dreaming or was I really dead and this was the after life?

Was I already a sinner in this life again?


I was alive!

My feelings were telling me that. I could feel the warmth, the wind, and everything around me. I could hear the sounds of people or whatever they were and I could smell the surrounding stentch of this forest as well as see everything clearly. My mind was never sharper than right now but I still couldn't believe what happened and started running towards anywhere. Honestly I needed a break and think. This was too much. Was this even real? I should stop doubting myself at this point....  but I couldn't stop doing it.

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