A familiar... Nope, I am dead!

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No matter how I looked at it, it was definitely not an option. There was no way I would survive something like that at all. Still for some reasons, I just had to get closer and closer to it. It had to actually see me as an insect since it wouldn't even budge no matter how close I got it.

I must be insane!

What am I even doing here?

No... no no no...

I should get the hell out of here!

This is insane!

Even if I bring the beast down, I wouldn't be able to use it at all.... killing is not an option but how am I fucking supposed to tame that beast?

That is literaly impossible!


Why am I still around this beast?!

I looked at it and I was walking around it before I could see a would on it. Not only that but it was actually chained down as well. Poor thing wanted to get out of the chains and they were just keeping hurting, cutting through the flesh.

Me: .....


Don't even think about it!

But maybe...


I know it is a dumb idea but what if I help it... maybe it will submit?

For godssake, I must have lost it completly. Not only was I walking towards the chain but I took out the bow and then decided to fire it waking up the dragon who was now looking at me how I was aiming at the chains. For now, I was just hearing growling coming from it but for how long? If I wanted to free it, I needed to act fast!... no that was if I wanted to be alive!

While I staretd to get this bad feeling, I heard a roar from one head and felt something passing me. It was bright in this cave for a split second before it darkened again.

Was that fucking lighning?

Does it breath lighning?


I need to get this done!

Now was not the time to fear for my life but I still did that. I knew better than to focus on that feeling but I still couldn't help it and did it anyways. Not only was I now dodging and still hiting the same point over and over again but right now, I was also trying my best not to start panicking and just freeze because of the fear I felt.

This was a nightmare.

Fighting this thing was impossible.

Why did I had to do this?

Just why?

Over and over, I was running from one end to the next one while shooting an arrow after another until I had one left. 

Last one....

I have to make it count.

This last one was an arrow, I started to hold very tightly in my hand. Never did I actually pray to god that much than right now. If I could get out of this alive, I promised myself to never do something this stupid ever again. Who knows what I was thinking or if I was even thinking anything. For me it seemed as if I had a deathwish when I started to approach this creature.

The last arrow was quite sharp and as I aimed to hit it, I somehow also cut myself but it worked. When I released the arrow, it hit the chain and it broke.

Me: Screw this.... I am out now.

Now there wasnothing that could stop the monster from frying me alive. It was also now that I had to run harder than I ever did but could I really outrun something like that? The thing was huge and there was definitely no chance about me surviving this at all.


That was the last thing I screamed before that thing completly snapped the chains and one of the heads was right in front of my face. This was it! I was soo done and moster food for this thing. I didn't know what to do anymore and froze there shutting my eyes. My conscious already knew that this would be the end and so I had just come to a term with it. My own life passed in a flash before my eyes and I regretted soo many things that I had done to simply survive.

Me: I don't want to die yet....

Unconsciously, I had said that out loud and that roar that followed next right into my face could have gotten me death. Though I was still alive... I was in front of one head but I was alive. It was only now that I opened my eyes looking at the thing that was looking at me as if it was expecting something from me.

Me: .... ahm your welcome?

It was simply looking staring at me with all the heads it had.

What in the world was I supposed to do now?

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