Give me some sense!

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I ran as fast as I could and only stopped when I found a cave where I could hide and start thinking about what was going on.

Me: Hah... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I must have gone insane!

It was the first thought that I spoke out aloud. How could that not be true! I mean I just killed someone who actually looked like something else and had blood that was not red. How was that possible if not for me to have gone insane! I hated the thought that it might be true but what else? How was I supposed to actually come up with something that was resonable.

Think Iruma... something is not right here...

I was in the library...

I was chased... 

I got tricked...

AH I hate thinking about that. How could I be that dumb and get even caught?

The whole thing was rigged to begin with!

I did the job right!

No need for double crossing me!

My job was to actually kill someone and take some jewelry away from them. I did as I was asked but something was wrong and I didn't know that there was something going on until it was too late. Normally I would get the hint and had some precautions but this time they all failed. I trusted the wrong person for the last couple of years and now that they didn't had any use for me, they wanted to discart me.

Anyways.... after that.... I got chased, escaped, killed....

I should still be covered in blood thanks to that... 

Yup I am still covered in blood.

Then what next?

I ran towards the last one... tried to kill and slipped slamming against that fucking bookshelf taking it down and then... light!

There was light!

So something did happen...

I remember feeling pain and next thing I know I am here....


I was literally having my existential crisis right here but that didn't stop me from being alarmed and on edge. Of course I was keeping a close eye to my surrounding since everything was just soo new I couldn't help but look around and be careful. Any wrong move could cost me my life. I knew that all to well.

So what do I do now?

Since I have zero idea how this happened...

Don't even wanna know how.

That is too much for me...

I can't stick in the forrest like that!

Should I try talking?







I was soo confused about what to do that I just stopped breathing for a second and hold my breath just to breath out very heavily in the next moment. To put it simple and mention it again since I can't say it enough, I was screwed. There was no way to get back since I didn't even know where I was not to mention if this was real or something my mind came up in a coma. Who knows maybe this was also a bad dream and they caught me and were about to use me for who knows what. There are things like laboratories and also organtransplantation blood donors and everything else... a living body would be better than a dead one. It would hold everything fresh longer, I know this from experience. 

Anyways, as I was having my crisis, I heard some talking. That made me listen up but just listen and don't act this time. I needed information about my situation. No matter if this was a dream or reality, all I could do now was to survive and think about a plan to get out of here alive as I always do.

Get your shit together!

You can do this!

You survived Hell and back, this shouldn't be that bad!

I killed one of them after all!

No biggy killing another one!

???: Do you really think there is something hidden here?

???: If we find it, maybe we can score higher than everyone else.

???: That would be awesome.

???: But I have this bad feeling... we shouldn't enter there.... 

???: Ah come on. The three of us should be able to handle everything.

Well they were certainly wrong and I was about to actually show them that. With my mind set, I decided to use the echo of this cave to reply and ask them some questions. Maybe I could get them to tell me what was going on and get some sense into everything.

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