Chapter 3

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I woke up extra early this morning remembering my plans from the day before. I looked over to see bsfn sleeping, so I quietly slipped out of bed being sure not to wake her, and made my way to the bathroom.

I turned the water on and stepped into the shower. After about 30 minutes I stepped out of the shower and put a towel around me. I walked out of the bathroom and over to my closet to grab one of my uniforms then went back to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth after getting dressed and I did my hair(whatever you do with your hair in the mornings). I put my socks and shoes on, grabbed my bag and set off.

"Where should I go?" I ask myself. I was creeping down the halls as quietly as I could but still walking at a normal pace. I decided to just let my feet guide me on where to go and eventually I found myself standing in front of the black lake. I sat down and decided to just think and take a moment to myself. I was thinking of how the universe was created and if God was a male or female (I'm an atheist, however, I still respect other peoples beliefs on God.)

I looked at my watch and saw that I had been sitting there for almost 42 minutes. I still had about 2 hours before breakfast so I decided to go back to my dorm. I did everything I needed to do and then I decided to feed Vera. I love Vera very much. After I gave her some food and water I sat on my bed and read a book.

After an hour and some minutes bsfn alarm clock started ringing and she got up and boyy she looked tired. "Good morning yn/n" she said with a yawn while stretching. "Good morning bsfn. What time did you get back yesterday?" "I came back at like 3"  "I thought you were with Rose and Mary. They go to sleep before 11 every night"  "I was with them, but I left and went to visit someone"  "who?"  "..... Mulciber"  "oh god."  I said with a laugh. "So, does he like you?"  I ask "I think so. We sat on his bed together and watched TV. Romeo and Juliet to be exact. He loves a good romance movie." She said with a grin.

"Did you get caught by any prefects when you came back?" "No, thankfully"  "good"  "I'm gonna take a shower. Are we walking to breakfast together?"  "Of course"  "ok" and with that she jumped in the shower and I got back to my book.

She came out some time later and she was ready. "Are you ready?" She asks me "yes, let's go" I reply grabbing my back and schedule.

"So, what classes do you have today?" I ask  which she responds "I have transfiguration, then, charms, then Dada, and lastly potions."  I look at mine and see that I have transfiguration, charms, potions then Dada. "We have two classes together" I said showing her my schedule.

"Well at least we'll be together. After class we can meet up and walk back together." She says with a smile on her face. "Wait... You said you went to Mulcibers dorm last night?" I ask  "shhh!... Yes" she said in a hushed voice. "Wait, Tom actually let you do that? I thought he didn't like other people in his dorm." I said confused. "He doesn't. He has his own dorm because there was an uneven number of boys" she said matter of factly. "Oh" I replied.

Eventually we made it to the great hall and I spotted Mulciber and Rosier. We sat next to them and of course like always Tom sat across from them. We all started talking and Tom was just being silent while eating some grapes. "Where are Rose, Mary, Lestrange, and Avery at?" I ask.

Rosier then looks at me with a smirk and says "They're skipping class to go on a double date" "what?! That's amazing. Why didn't you tell me?"  I exclaim stunned. "You never asked." He says with a giggle. "Well congrats to them" I said with a small laugh.

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