Chapter 17

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She did it. The one thing I needed her to not do. She told me she loves me. I don't love her. I can't love anyone. I mean I care about her a lot and I would do anything to protect her, but I don't love her.

I want her to be mine though. I don't want her saying that to another man. Maybe I do love her-- no. No I don't. I just care about her a lot.....

I told her she'd change her mind then she fell asleep. Ever since she's been in the hospital I couldn't sleep well. I'd have nightmares and a lot of them involved her. Now that she's back I still can't sleep in fear that something will happen to her if I do. That's the only thing I fear.

So, I'm stay up all night tonight once again. Yn won't know, so it's fine. I'm still wondering what happened the night she was admitted into the hospital wing. All I remember was seeing her falling down from the astronomy tower. I caught her, but by the time I had caught her she was already knocked out.

I read her charts and she had a couple of substances in her system and the nurse said something about high blood pressure. When I asked the nurse what happened that caused her to pass out she said it was a heart attack. And it was due to the substances.

So she almost died. I couldn't believe it. I almost lost my precious, dear, sweet yn-- I mean yn. I don't even know if we're just fuck buddies anymore, we have an emotional relationship... Kinda.

If we're just fuck buddies then that means she can date other people... I don't want that. I want her to be mine... Fully.

She started stirring in her sleep.  I couldn't help but hold her a little tighter. She leaned into my embrace. Merlin this girl is gonna be the death of me... Unless I make those Horcruxes in time.

Her cat Vera jumps on top of her bed and starts walking towards me. "No." I say to it. It keeps walking "get away." She still keeps coming. "Don't come over here, Vera." I warn the cat. The cat stops and starts meowing at me. This wakes yn up of course.

"What are you doing, Tommy?" She asks tiredly. "Don't you mean what is the cat doing? It's harassing me." I say as if it were obvious. She sighs before reaching over and grabbing the cat bringing it to her side. "Why'd you do that?" I ask. "So you can sleep." She responds.

"You can't just steal the cat away from me." I say kinda missing it. She scoffs and gives me the cat back. "Thank you." I say. "Mhm" she says before laying back down. I lay the cat in front of her and it starts purring. I then pull yn back into my embrace and start spooning her. "Go to sleep, baby." I say softly.

"Goodnight, Tommy." She says tiredly. I start rubbing her back as she falls asleep again. Oh she doesn't know what she's gotten herself into. If anyone does so much as lay a finger on her I'll kill them.



Tom and I are finally back on good terms, thank Merlin. He still doesn't know I'm pregnant.

It's been enough time now and I decided to go to the doctors to get a check up on the baby. Me and my mom were currently headed to the doctors office.

I'm hoping to see what they look like today. As we were driving, it started to rawere I love rain. (Or hate it if you do.)

At the doctors office

"Hello, Yn. I am Dr. Tina and I will be working with you today." Says the Doctor that has just walked in. The doctor had me lay down and lift my shirt up. Once I did that she put this cold gel on my stomach and spread it with the transducer before looking up at a screen.

I look up at the screen and there it is.... My baby.. It looks really big for just a few months though.

"Oh, my!" Says the doctor in shock. I look up at her worried. "What's wrong?" I ask alarmed.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just... There are 2 babies showing. " I gasp. She started pointing at the screen showing me which was which. "Oh.. My.. Goodness!" I smile.

My mind leaned over and hugged me tightly. She smiled at me and held my hand sitting back down.

"Can we know the genders?" I ask. She then looks at me with a bright smile. "Of course!" She says enthusiastically. She then looks at a few things on her screen before pointing to one of them. "This is a boy." I nod my head. She points to the other. "This is a girl."

I smile widely. "Thank you." I say. "Of course. Is there anything else you ladies need?" She asks. "No, no thank you." Me and my mom say before she hands us some papers and we leave.

Mom and I finally make it out to her car and once we get in she hugs me. "I love you so much, yn" she exclaimed. I hug her back.

We start driving and were about 13 minutes away from our manor when all of a sudden I think of it. The one thing I should not have been thinking about in this moment. What if Tom doesn't want kids?

"Mom?" I say quietly. "Yes, darling?" She asks. "What if Tom doesn't want kids?" She looks over at me sympathetically before turning back to the road. "I don't know. If he doesn't then you still have me and aunt Carry." She lightly smiled at me.

"True... I just don't know how I'm finna tell him." I say with a sigh. "We'll figure it out. Don't stress about it right now. It isn't good for the babies." I giggled at that.

Once we made it to the manor, we walked in and we were met with aunt Carry, Mr. Hollington, and Mrs. Hollington. They all had a look of panic on their face.

"Is something wrong?" Asked my mother. "Yes. Has any of you seen Tom?" Asked Mrs. Hollington frantically. "He was here the other day. What happened?" I say/ask.

"We don't know. We can't find him." Says Mr. Hollington with worry. "Do you guys know why he left?" I ask. They pause for a second before Mr. Hollington speaks up. "No. He's been gone for 2 days now..".

What if he's dead I thought. What if he found out I was pregnant and ran away? As the adults were talking I decided to go to my room and lay down. I said bye to everyone and went up stairs.

Before I layed down, I tried to call Tom over and over and over again, but he didn't answer. I tried texting.... But he didn't answer.

I decided to just lay down and turn all of my lights off. It was pitch black in my room and I was just laying there in the silence. Out of nowhere I burst into tears. "Where the fu k is he?" I ask myself silently. Slowly I drifted off to sleep.

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