Chapter 10

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"They heard everything."

I look at her confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. "They heard everything. Everything you and Rosier said and everything we said in the bathroom." I was shocked. "How do you know?"   "Because... I heard it too. They told me that they heard what we said." She explained to me.

I sat there for a moment processing what I had just heard. If they heard everything, then that means they heard when I told Bsfn about what happened with Rosier. That means they heard me talking about Tom.... It also means they heard me when I told Rosier I didn't want him touching me because he wasn't the guy I'm seeing aka Tom.

I had to sit down. "Did Tom seem mad?" I ask her. "I don't know..." She said nervously. "Well how don't you know?" I exclaim.

"He was just sitting there with a straight face."  "Oh my-- what if he wants to kill me tomorrow?!"  "He won't... Probably"  "What!"   "Well, I mean, he did kiss you and tell you to sleep well..."  She reasoned.

"True" I respond. "Anyways, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."  "Goodnight"  she walks over to her bed and layed down. I layed down and soon fell asleep.

Time skip to tomorrow

I sat in class zoned out thinking about life. I wasn't paying attention to anything the professor was saying. As I was in the middle of minding my own business a ball of paper hit me in the head and landed on my desk.

I picked it up before un balling it then reading it. It said:


Yn, You're the reason your dad left. You are a disgrace to your family and you should kill yourself. No one wants you here. You're just a good for nothing whore just like your mother. Your mother is going to leave you just like your father did. Go kill yourself you worthless, fat, ugly, dumb piece of shit, bitch.


A tear fell from my eye. I quickly wiped it before anyone could notice. I look around to see who threw it and when I do I'm met face to face with E/n. She had a smirk on her face and she was already looking at me. I put the note in my bag and right after, the professor dismissed us. I decided to go to the common room, but I couldn't stop thinking about what the letter said.

I knew it wasn't true, but it still made me feel some type of way. No one was in the common room so I decided to pull my journal out and write in it. I wrote about everything she said and I wrote about some more stuff. My stomach started to hurt a little, but I just ignored it.

I know that I'm supposed to hangout with Tom, but knowing him, he's probably in the library. As I was finishing up in my journal, I suddenly felt nauseous. I ran to the nearest bathroom and into a stall before puking. Thank Merlin I was in there alone.

I probably just got food poisoning or something. I get up, flush the toilet, and leave. I decided to go back to my dorm so that I could brush my teeth.

After I finish brushing my teeth, I realize something. I forgot my stuff in the common room. I run back to the common room to get my stuff.

When I get there I see that all of my stuff is where I left it, so I gather everything and bring it back to my dorm. When I get back I see that Bsfn was not there. I set my bag down and decided to get changed.

I grab some leggings and a green tee-shirt. As I'm changing I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I looked down and instantly knew it was Tom. I could tell because of his hands and his rings.

I was just in a bra and underwear. I turn around and face him with his hands still around my waist. I put my arms around his shoulders and kiss him.

"Hi Tommy." I say with a smile. He gives me a small smile back. "Hello yn. How are you feeling?"  "I feel great. How do you feel?"  "Neutral."  I smile at him before pulling away to out my clothes on and he sits on my bed staring at me.

After I got all my clothes on I sat next to him. He grabbed me and pulled us both up to my pillows and layed us on them. He wrapped his arms around me as I layed in his chest and he rubbed his hands up and down my back.

At first it was silent, then out of nowhere he started talking. "We should talk about yesterday."  He stated bluntly. "Yeah.." I said nervously. 

"Why did you tell her when I specifically told you not to?" He asks sternly. "I'm sorry..." I said quietly. "That doesn't answer me question." He spoke sternly.

I looked at him for a moment before speaking.  "Because, she already knew.."  "Well why didn't you try to convince her otherwise?!"  He spoke a little louder. "I tried, but she wouldn't listen."   "Ok.."  "Ok?"  "Ok"   "that's it?"   "Yup." 

Something felt off. I sat up and looked at him. He looked like his normal self. "I really am sorry" I said. "Ok" he replied. I paused for a moment before getting  up and walking toward the door. I look at him before leaving and say "you know... The only reason she suspected anything is because of you." Before he could say anything I left.

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