Chapter 11

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After Tom left I sat there shaking. I should have walked away from him when I got the chance. Now I'm just hurt.... Wait.... I.. Care about him...?

I can't believe that what just happened happened. I should have expected it from him, but I was too wrapped up in the fun we were having. I actually gained feelings for him. That wasn't supposed to happen...... I fell for him.... I fell for Tom Riddle.

I took some time and eventually gathered myself. As I'm wiping my tears I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say aloud. In walks Rosier with a blank face. "Yn, we need to talk..." He says in a serious tone.

I already know what's about to happen. "What's up?" I ask. "I think you're an amazing girl, and you are very beaut--" I cut him off. "You're breaking up with me." I say blankly. "Yes. I just don't want to be with someone who's been sleeping with my bos-- I mean friend. I hope we can still be friends?".

"of course." I say with a small smile. "I completely understand."  I say. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow, yn!" He says with a smile before hugging me and leaving.

I decided to write to my mother and aunt because we haven't spoken in a while. I start writing to my mother first explaining how everything is going.


Dear mother, I miss you very dearly and I hope you are doing alright. Everything at Hogwarts is going well. Dean and I are no longer together, thank Merlin. I have all O's in my classes and I quite enjoy them this year. How is everything going back home? How is aunt Carry? Did anything change? I love you mother.

Sincerely, Yn Yln.


After I finished the letter I packaged it and gave it to my owl named stormy. Once stormy left, I shut my window and left my dorm. I decided to go on walk outside. Sure it was already dark and sure it was 10 minutes till curfew, but that's fine. I'll just sneak back in.

While walking out of the castle I see bsfn. "Yn, where are you going? It's almost curfew." I look at her and smile. "I'm going for a walk" I said. "Yn, it's late. Are you sure?"  She asks.

"I'm sure bsfn. Goodnight, sleep well." I smile at her before walking away. "Goodnight" she mumbles back at me. I started walking to the forbidden forest and when I got to the edge of it I kept walking. I kept walking until I heard rustling coming from behind me.

I stopped for a brief moment before turning around. I started analyzing my surroundings and nothing looked weird. I wasn't about to call out... I watch too many horror films to do that. It's ironic that I'm walking in a forest alone at night though.

I turned around and kept walking because I was in no mood to go discovering. But then I heard rustling come from in front of me. I stopped once again. I heard breathing, but it wasn't mine. The breathing belonged to someone else.

I quickly turned around to leave, but when I did I saw something... No... Someone. It wasn't just anybody though. It was me... Not me but me. It was like I had a twin. She was standing there mirroring my body language, but she was staring into my eyes. It was like she was searching my soul.

She had a deadpan look on her face. She was wearing a Slytherin uniform and robe. I could've swore that I was looking into a mirror.

"Hello... Me.." She said. "How?" I ask confused. "You know me." She says. "You're me..."   "You and the kid are gonna be fine."  She says. I look at her confused. "What do you mean?"   I ask. "You'll see..."  "Wha--"  "you should head back now. It's past curfew" she cut me off.

I nod my head before turning around and as I'm about to start walking she says one more thing "This never happened"  "Ok" "No, say it."  "This never happened" I repeat. "Good" She then disappears.

I start walking back to the castle replaying what just happened in my head over and over again.

Once I arrived at the castle I managed to sneak past any prefects and make it to the Slytherin common room. I walked into my dorm and as soon as I enter I'm tackled by a hug and I'm bombarded with questions.

"Yn where were you!? Are you ok?! What happened?!" Screeched bsfn. "Bsfn, bsfn, chill out. I'm fine." I say hugging her back. She pulls back and looks at me inspecting me.

"I heard what happened between you and Rosier. Are you ok?" She asks. "Yes, honestly I think it's for the best" I say. "Yeah, now you can  be with Tom" she said with a smile. "No, actually we broke things off. I think it's better I stick to my studies" I said with a small smile knowing that it was tearing me up on the inside.

"You're right. But let's not change the subject. Do you have any idea what time it is?!"  She says "No"  I said honestly. "She points at the clock on the wall and it says 01:13.

" I'm sorry bsfn, I lost track of time" I say. "Where did you go?" She asks curiously. "The forbidden forest." I say nonchalantly.

"Yn!" She gasps. "What? " I ask confused. "You should never go there. It's called the 'forbidden forest' for a reason. It's forbidden." She exclaimed.

"Alright bsfn. I'm going to sleep good night." I say taking my shoes off and getting into my bed and pulling the covers over me.

"We're not done here!" She exclaimed. "Yes we are. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. I mean it this time bsfn." I say tired

She sighs. "Fine. Goodnight yn." She then lays down and I do a spell to turn the lights off. I started thinking about the girl I saw in the forbidden forest. What did she mean when she said the kid and I will be fine? Oh well. I guess I'll never know.

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