Chapter 15

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I declined Tom's call. He called me once again... I declined it. He called me a few more times and he even texted me, but I didn't answer or open them.

He stopped eventually, thank Merlin. I was so confused at this point. Why the hell was he calling me? Who the hell sent me those pictures? Who the hell sent me Mary's journal? My head was starting to spin. Out of nowhere I felt nauseous.

I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. My eyes started getting blurry because they were watering so bad. As I was throwing up, I felt someone holding my hair back.

(If you have short hair then think of something else).

I was confused because I was the only one home. I finished throwing up and when I sat up, no one was there.

"Dude, what the fuck?" I said to my self. I started looking around trying to find someone, but no one was there. I went down stairs and looked.... No one was there....

"I must be going crazy." I say to myself. I was about to walk up stairs when I see something on the counter. It was a letter. I walk up to the counter and pick up the letter. On the front it had my name on it.

I opened it and it read 'You can't avoid me forever, Baby.'

I ran up stairs with the letter in my hand and I called my mom. She answered.

Mom, where are you?

I'm with the Hollingtons, honey. Is something wrong?

Do you guys know where Tom is?

He's at home.

Where are you guys?

We've gone on a shopping spree. Do you need anything?

No, mom. Sorry.

Is everything ok? Have you talked to Tom?

Everything is fine. No, we haven't talked.

Honey, I think you should tell him.

I can't mom.


You don't understand.

I've got to go, honey. We'll talk when I get home. I love you.

I love you too, mom.

After she hung up I finally looked at the texts Tom sent. I had 9 missed calls from him and 14 texts.

I read the texts.


Yn, answer me.

I know you're ignoring me.

We need to talk, yn. Answer the damn phone.

Why aren't you answering me?

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