Chapter 5

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It has been exactly 3 days since me and Rosier started dating. We decided against waiting to tell our friends and just went ahead and told them on the second day. Since Tom is Rosier's friend, he knows too.

I don't know how Tom feels. He's acting normal; being the same rude prick that he's always been. We're still enemies and we don't talk unless we're arguing. I'm just glad he's not being awkward about everything and didn't tell anyone about what we've done.

I didn't even get the chance to break up with Dean because he broke up with me first so that he could date E/n. I guess everything was working out for me at the moment.

Everyone was in the great Hall having fun and making decorations for Halloween and I decided that I was just not gonna go because I'd rather do it in percent and quiet and alone. I was currently hanging out in the common room by myself while reading a book. I was really enjoying my alone time because I hadn't got any ever since me and Rosier started dating. Not that it was Rosier, or that I was upset. I just forgot how good alone time felt.

As I'm sitting on a sofa reading my goosebumps book, Tom walks in. As he's walking he stops and looks at me. "What"  I ask "Nothing it's just... You look uglier than you did yesterday."  "Aww, Tom, you shouldn't talk about yourself like that. You gotta love yourself"  "yeah. Kinda like your dad loved you?" (My dad left me and my mom) "At least one of my parents stayed. I'm not the one who was put in an orphanage!" I yell irritated.

He then looked at me with that annoying smirk no longer on his face. His eyes darken and his body tense. He quickly makes his way over to me and throws me over his shoulder before apparating us in front of the black lake. "Tom! What are you doing?!"  I ask pissed off because of what just happened. He doesn't answer, but he starts walking into the water and going waist deep.

"Tom! Get me the fuck out of here now! I'm sorry for the comment but you deserved it!" Then he dropped me into the water and as soon as I came up to the surface he pushed my head back down again.

I kept trying to fight but it was getting harder to breathe. I was able to get my head back above the surface, but just as I was about to breathe again he pushed me back under the water. I kept trying to fight as my lungs felt like they were on fire and my heart was beating fast.

I felt as if everything was slowing down and I knew this was it. I was going to finally die. Just as I'm about to let go and pass out, I'm pulled back to the surface. "Had enough?"  Asked someone who I knew was Tom. I knew it was him even though my vision was blurred because 1, I recognized his voice. 2, he recognized his scent. And 3, he was the only one around.

As I was about to answer everything went black.

I woke up and soon realized I wasn't in my room. I was in a dark unrecognizable room and unrecognizable bed.

I sat up and looked around until someone caught my eye. It was Tom. He was sitting in a dark corner reading a book. He looked up at me and shut his book. He then stood up placing his book on the arm of his chair before making his way over to me.

"How do you feel?"  He smirked. "Like I just got hit with a brick."   He then chuckled a little.  "Where am i?"  "My dorm"  "why"  "you don't remember?"  I then thought about it. Then I remembered. I jumped up and attempted to run out the door, but it was locked. "Don't try to run away yn. You won't make it anywhere." He said calmly.

I kept yanking at the door and nothing I tried was working. He then picked me up and walked me back over to his bed and throwing me on it. "STOP!"  "What do you expect me to do?! You tried to kill me!"   "But, I didn't. And if I wanted to I would have. Does that not count for anything?" He spoke with a smirk

"What time is it?"  I ask. "21:47" (09:47 pm).
"How long have I been out?"  "5 hours"
"Why didn't you just bring me to my dorm or the hospital wing?"  "Because I couldn't risk the chance of you snitching on me"  "I won't"  "how am I supposed to believe that?"  "I don't know and I don't care"  I said getting up. I was about to open the door when grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Are you gonna snitch?" He whispered in my ear. "No"  I said quietly. "Don't lie to me yn. Are you gonna snitch?"  I felt my knees go weak because his voice was low and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"No, Tom. I won't snitch... I promise"   "good". He then kissed my jawline before letting me go. As I was about to walk out the door he spoke " oh and yn?"   "Yeah"  "if you tell anyone.... Anyone at all what happened, I'll find you and kill you. Understand?"  "Yes Tom. I understand"  "Good" I then walked out of his dorm and made my way to mine.

Word count: 938

I kinda like this one. For some reason I love that violent side of Tom. I can't get enough of it.

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