Chapter 17

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I found Ellie in the kitchen after my shower after searching our room.

"Hey." I said at the door.

"Hey." She said looking up from her bowl of cereal.

Who eats cereal at 11pm?

"You alright?" I asked running the towel through my hair.

"Mmmhmm." She spoke.

"Just tired." She followed.

"Bed?" I asked.


Covered by the comfort of this small blanket, lying beside Ellie felt right.

Ellie has been the only thing in my messed up world that didn't make me bitter anymore.

Most days I felt like I could see the hate radiate off of her body but today it didn't seem to burn so bright.

"El?" I asked a few moments into my thoughts, running my hand across her shoulders.

"I'm sorry. And not for the sake of an apology. I am really sorry. I don't understand why things go the way they do, but I am sorry. " I said.

"I understand, really I do. " she whispered against my chest.

"No, Ellie. I don't think you do. I just can't understand how something that feels so wrong -"

"Feel so right." She finished and looked up at me. Dark brown eyes vulnerable and looking at me.

"Yeah. I just keep thinking."

"Don't." She said as she raised and pressed a finger to my lips.

"Don't think Beckett." She whispered.

"Ellie, we shouldn't do this." I said, her lips hovering over mine.

"We shouldn't ." She said lowly.
And she pressed her lips to mine.

I felt a growl escape from the back of my throat.

"But we are." She breathed and kissed me again.

My hands gently found their way to the small of her back and I respectfully held them there.

Small kisses peppered my lips and down across my jaw line, leaving a trail of wake in their path.

Bliss. Pure bliss.

Our kiss grew with purpose but I could not give into the feeling of passion. I could not let Ellie do this to herself or to me. A kiss with further steps would render me useless because I was so captivated by her.

If we started now, I would not be able to quit; quit kissing her, craving her, desiring her. That fear alone set me on fire.

I allowed her tongue to sweep in against mine, finding a rhythm that only two souls can find and I allowed it to linger for a while.

"El." I said slowly out of breath.

She pulled away but left our foreheads connected when she gazed at me with lust filled eyes and smiled at me.

"I know. I know." She said against my cheek.

We spent the remainder of the night, her laying between my legs and half on my torso while I played with her hair, and we shared stories of things we remember as a kid.

"Favorite color?" She said.

"Blue, you?"


"Favorite food? She asked.

"French fries, you?"

"Mexican Nachos."

"Favorite Movie as a kid?"

"Where the Red Fern Grows."


"Favorite place to be?" She said.

"With you." I smiled.

"So cheesy, yet so romantic." She giggled.

"What can I say? I'm kinda a Casanova." I smiled.

She raised up and kissed my lips again.
Every hair standing up on my body, I kissed her back.

"Rest." I said.


"Cash go out and see if you can find anything out about the three one five. I don't like them lurking, we are at a disadvantage here." I said.

"Quinn, you and Kenny go ahead and start scoping out some where else for us to stay."

"Hunter, you make sure all the exits are sealed off. Windows, doors, everything in the basement."

"El and I are going down to question our little friend. I'm sick of this, already."

With all tasks delegated and everyone dispersed to where they needed to be, I slowly led El down to the wooden, rickety steps.

"You don't have to say or do anything. I just need to know you are safe." I whispered to her.

"I'll be fine." She said back and kissed my cheek.

I nodded to her and watched as she sat on the bottom steps and I walked over to Damon.

"You ready to talk?" I asked kicking his boot.

"Not to you." He spat.

"Funny, because I sure have a lot of things to say." I spat back.

"What do you want with her?" I asked when I nodded toward Ellie's direction.

"Pretty pretty princess was just a prize." He said.

"We didn't want her, but she satisfied something deep, deep down." He said like venom.

"A prize? Do you and Marcus think this is a game?!" I yelled.

"You think you got it all figured out here don't you Beckett? I bet little princess over there has let everyone in your crew have a ride on the hoe train."
He said.

I was disgusted and before I knew it, my left hand had connected with his jaw. I watched as blood oozed out of his mouth while he smiled.

"I bet pretty little Ellie James knows just what all the boys want. Having pleased her Uncle Mick all these years." He yelled back to me.

This black space in my head where I floated to was all too familiar to me, I remember it, just like ol' times with my father. Three hits later and he didn't raise his head.

"You're disgusting. When I find what I need to out about you, I'll personally load the gun that Ellie uses to blow your brains out, you piece of shit." I said to him before kicking his chair backwards.

I walked to Ellie. She didn't seemed phased by anything he had said.

She stood up, took ahold of my hand and I kissed her forehead before we started our way back up the stairs.

Damon's cries about being upside down, getting more distant by each step.

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