Chapter 37

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Shoutout to Awesomesauces1234 for creating the awesome cover you see on the story as well as this chapter.


I won't do this. I refuse to do this with the Vermin that call themselves family to us.

Quinn, Mickey and Marcus can all go straight to the pits of hell and be swallowed up by satan himself. I'm quite sure, that due to the nature of my sins I would be joining them too, probably sooner rather than later. But I'll be damned to hell before I allow Ellie to live in fear.

They want a fight, then a fight is what they will get. I've sat at our rickety table for hours, running ideas through my head while watching Ellie sleep on the couch, her face illuminated by the glow of the TV. A pack of cigarettes, a bottle of Jack later and I'm not sure I'll ever come to a decision that is going to be the safe for all us, all around.

When I run this idea by the boys, this will either make us or break us. We are going into this blindsided and fueled by anger, two combinations that mix like oil and water. I can not take the uncertainty of tomorrow's where Ellie is concerned, so Relentless 5 will take care of business. No question about that.

"We have to protect Ellie. I brought her into this, it's my job to protect her. Marcus knows he's dead to me, it's not even if anymore, it has became when I put a bullet between his eyes. But I can't think of my revenge. I have to think of Ellie's safety, for now. The next few weeks, I want us all to spend them, studying. Studying every move that the 315 make that leaves Marcus exposed. Make no mistake now, I will be the one who ends him. So don't get trigger happy, as for Quinn, go ahead. I'm sure there's a one of you itching to put a slug in his head. Dead, done, nothing is what he is. Cash and I will follow up with Mickey. I'm showing no mercy. 3 lives have a bounty for them, as well as mine and Ellie. Stealth is required here but I promise when we are done, all of you are free to leave." I spoke to the boys, drawing the last puff from the joint at my lips.

"Free to leave?" Cash asked.

"Free to leave." I said.

"But, Beckett we made a pact." Hunter said.

"Consider you debt to me paid. You protect Ellie, you protect my heart. End off story, there's no need for anything else. You won't have to honor you blood pact or have your R5 tattoo removed. " I said.

"Beckett, man. I can't." Cash said.

"Yeah me either." Hunter said.

"You can't what? Help me? " I asked.

"No. I can't just consider to do this and be done. Beck, you paid my mommas debt off, you helped build her house so my sisters didn't go hungry or homeless. I could never repay you for that, you have my loyalty until I can no longer give it." Cash replied.

I nodded. It was settled then. We are all in this together.


Cash and I sat watch over Mickey. Noting what cars left and for how long. A man in a Gucci suit came by one day, I assume that was the lawyer that was representing Mickey for extortion.

He and Mickey shared some laughs, a scotch and a Cuban cigar on the patio like nothing was ever to be said about his incestual relationship with Ellie. Bastard.

Around 12:45 every day, every vehicle but one left Mickeys mansion. Being that Mickey is suppose to be under house arrest, one can only think he is staying inside. For now, at least.

Cash has saw 4 other people inside the house, a butler, 2 maids and Mickeys assistant. And we could easily gun them all down. At this point, innocents were not my concern.

Oh the glorious feeling I would get from splattering blood all over Mickey James freshly polished marble floor as the smell of gun powder filled the room and he was left with nothing but the mere Crimson of his blood scattered across the floor.

If Mickey James thinks for a second that he has experienced the real Relentless 5, I'm going to show him how really crazy I can be.

A man with a primal instinct to protect his woman is a dangerous creature to approach and as for Mickey James, he can consider himself hunted......

Authors Note:////

Not long but good, right??

Whoa doggies what is going on in Becketts head right now?!

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