Chapter 29

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I was a tangled mess between the sheets with Ellie. I found solace in her spread across the mattress, her head leaning on my chest and my arm. It was asleep, tingling and fuzzy but I didn't dare to move her. This is bliss.

Cash and I have decided that we are going to go west, split up if we have to. Out west we wouldn't be able to heist any places, go on any runs, we would be lying low, possibly forever. No doubt in my mind though, I would walk away from it all, I would give up the comfortablilty of extra cash just to be with Ellie.

Just a few more days and we could get out of here and be free. Just a few more days stood between mine and Ellie's freedom.

I had sent the boys on our last run. I didn't need to go, it was relatively easy so I stayed cuddled up with El. We would have enough then to get us to Oregon and there I didn't have to worry.

Mesmerized by her beauty, hypnotized by the rise and fall of her chest while she slept I had forgotten about all of bullshit that was falling around us.

I heard a loud clatter that sounded far in the distance but still inside the warehouse. And I knew that the boys were not back yet. My heart raced as I abruptly woke up sleeping beauty.

"Ellie, get up now." I said as I climbed out and tugged on my jeans.

"What?" She asked sleepily.

I threw myself to the bed and covered her mouth with my hand. "Shh!!" I whisper yelled.

"Get up and hide under the bed. Do not come out until I come get you." I said before picking my t-shirt up and tossing it at her.

She nodded and I removed my hand.

I was about to walk away when she grabbed my hand.

"Beckett, I'm - I'm scared." She whispered and I could see the fright in her eyes.

"I know baby. I'll be right back. Stay here. " I said as I kissed her forehead.

"I love you." She said.

"Not as much as I love you." I replied and slowly made my way to the door.

I grabbed the hand gun that was sitting on the small end table in the Living room before I opened the door slowly and stepped out, sweeping my gun back and forth.

I listened intently but didn't hear anything else. I stalked down the steel framed steps, careful to not make noise.

I turned the corner with my glock by my face ready to draw if I needed. I saw movement from the corner of my eye and I hurried my way forward.

As I was aiming my gun, behind the plastic that fell in shreds from the ceiling I could see a silhouette of someone.

My mouth was dry but my adrenaline was in overload. I licked my lips to wet them and grasped firmer on the pistol in hand.

Before I could exhale, the figure stepped out behind the curtain like plastic. I took a deep breath and took in the persons features who stood before me. Frankie.

She stood before me in a black knee length trench coat and no doubt designer heels. Legs for days and her fire engine red hair curled to perfection.

She flashed me a ruby red smile before untying her coat to expose herself in a black and red set of lingerie.

"And just like that we meet again, Beckett Adams." She spoke.

"What are you doing here?" I asked still aiming the gun in her direction.

"I came to see you, of course." She smiled.

"Why? Why are you here Frankie? "
I asked between clenched teeth.

"Always so much business and never enough pleasure, B." She sassed.

B. She knew I despised her and her nicknames for me.

"But if you must know...." She said as she took her hand down between her chest and let her fingers linger there.

"Marcus sent me . He wanted me to tell you, that if you think you can run, you won't get far. Always, always look behind you. He will always be there. You might get away now, but he will find you. Too much money lingers as a bounty and reward for you and your little lover girl. Don't you forget that." She said with her hand on her hip.

Frankie was beautiful but the years of drug abuse had changed her much. Staring at her body, that she paraded in front of me left a bad taste in my mouth and I cringed seeing the track marks that were on her neck and her hands.

"You tell Marcus I'll be ready. You tell him I said not to send a woman to do a man's job. If he knows I'm here, he could have came here, no doubt he wants to. You can tell Marcus I am done with my leftovers and I don't think you parading around here like Jessica Rabbit was very clever on his behalf. Oh, and Frankie?? Don't YOU forget that I know about you. Show up here again, you'll end up like your dear friend Damon did." I spewed.

"Now, if you would kindly get the hell out of here before you have to track back a piece of lead in the drug ridden body of yours." I spat.

"You wouldn't dare. " she replied, angry.

"Would I? Try me." I spoke.

I watched as she turned on her heels and tossed her hair and tried to sashay away.


What I ever saw in here is beyond me. Ellie's innocence was such an attractive trait. Frankie was sex on legs and no doubt a walking STD and blood infection.

I climbed the steps two at a time when I made sure she was gone and locked all the doors. Ellie was all I was concerned with.

I ran down the length of the hall to our shut bedroom door. It was eerie. Quiet.

I slowly opened the door. "Ellie." I said.

"Baby?" I said into the air.

I walked over to the bed and got down on my hands before lifting the comforter set up.

My eyes met big brown terrified eyes that were stained with tears.

"Come here, baby." I whispered as I held my hand out.

When she climbed out, she tackled me, arms around my neck and I fell backwards on the floor.

"Oh, Thank God! " she said as she kissed my face.

"El. I'm okay." I said, holding her.

I crashed my lips into hers.

"I'm okay baby, I'm okay." I said.

When we sat up, I took her into my arms and squeezed her tight. Her back to my chest. Her body still trembling in fear.

"Shh... It's okay." I said slowly into her ear.

"W-who w-was that?" She said.

"Frankie." I said.

"Frankie?" She asked. "What did she want?"

"Marcus sent her to give me a message. She's gone. You're safe. Don't worry ok?" I said.

She didn't ask questions, she just nuzzled to me. Nuzzled into me like she couldn't get us any closer, like she wanted to be molded to me. "I was so scared that something happened to....." She sniffed.

"Hey... Hush now. We are both safe." I coaxed her as I ran my fingers through her hair.

I found it ironic that I saw so much beauty in the fright that plagued her face. Breathtaking. Ellie.

Authors note:

Frankie is a skank.

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