Chapter 36

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I couldn't ignore the pull at the bottom of my stomach when Beckett said we were going back to the warehouse. I'm not quite sure why my heart fell so hard; maybe the impending not in so many words promise he had made about being with me in Oregon or maybe the deep pit I fell into because of the manhunt bounty hung over our head.

Petrified didn't even begin to explain how I felt feeling my sleeping body thrust unto the belly of the cold van floor when Beckett used his body to shield me. It took me moments to realize that it was Beckett and not someone else. My heart nearly leaped onto the highway and my lungs fought to take a breath. Once I inhaled, I was brought out of my fear, I could smell the masculine pheromones that belonged to the man who had my heart.

I waited in the van with a very tired Kenny while Cash, Hunter and Beck combed through what used to be our warehouse. Oregon felt like my freedom, a new renowned freedom, a fresh start. Being here, felt like a black hole, a prison, a death sentence. Why couldn't I shake that?

Days passed and I still continued peeking over my shoulder, because I always felt watched. Beckett and I fell into a routine, much like the same one before but He never left my side.

Except for today. Today Kenny had driven me to the grocers, he still was recovering from being shot, so technically taking me to the store was his only duty.

"You coming?" I asked as I felt the van idle in the Shop Mart parking lot.

"Ah, I'll just wait here. You shouldn't be too long right?" Kenny replied.

"Not too long, but I do have a list. " I said as I opened the creaking door and stood on the pavement.

I pulled the list out of my pocket, double checked for the cash that Beckett had given me and walked to the corral to get a cart.

"Lettuce. Tomato. " I said to myself cruising the produce.

"Bread. Italian bread. Crackers, check."

"Excuse me." I muttered to an elderly woman as I passed her and smiled.

Getting things and heading to the check out, I remember Cream of Chicken. Of course, cream of chicken for my chicken casserole.

I pushed the cart down the isle labeled SOUPS , and was searching for the labeled soup I needed.

"Chicken noodle. No. Mushroom no., ahhh cream of chicken."

I reached up to retrieve the alluded soup when I felt a weight against my back, a muscular arm reaching beside me and a slimy hand gliding across my face and holding steady to cover my mouth.

"Hello Ellie." The stranger spoke.
So oddly familiar.

A lump formed in my throat and I wanted so desperately to run. I barely turned my head left to right to see if anyone was aware of this man behind me.

"Don't scream. I won't hurt you." He said.

It dawned on me.

"Have you figured me out yet?" He sneered.

"I will remove my hand from your mouth, but if you so much as whimper I will slit your throat." The man replied, or more so Quinn replied.


Quinn remained behind me, his arm steady on my hip as he breathed heavily on my back.

Panic shot through me, but I tried my best to remain calm and not so much as exhale while he was around.

"Beckett made such a stupid, naive move coming back here. Mickey will be delighted to hear of your return, Eleanor." His vicious voice reverberated through my ears.

"Do tell Beckett, I mean well. As well as a man can, anyway, considering the circumstances." He followed.

"How's that apartment coming along? You seem to be restless at night, anything I can do to help? Perhaps I could help you count sheep. Or perhaps you could moan Becketts name a little louder next time." He said as he ran his fingers from my chest to my hip and back to linger at my breast.

I knew it. I felt someone lurking but never would have imagined it would be Quinn.

"What's a matter? Cat got your tongue, Ellie? I sure don't remember you being so reserved, before. Yes, it was me looking at you, you sure look good doing what you do. Delightful, even. Make sure to let Beckett know, I'm coming for him, but you know not in the way you come for him." He said laced with perversion.

And as fast as he snuck up on me, he was gone. Leaving me distraught as I tried to collect myself and finish my store trip.

I practically ran to the van, Kenny shooting me questioning looks as I pushed the heavy cart toward him.

"You look like you saw a ghost." Kenny said flickering his cigarette to the ground.

"We need to go and go now! " I said tossing bags inside.


"You let her go inside by herself!!!" Beckett yelled as Kenny explained the story how I had told him.

I was speechless, frozen. I wanted to climb in the shower and wash off the filth that was Quinn off my body. His words, his hands, him.

"Ellie are you okay?" Beckett said leaning down to my level.

I nodded, while Cash, Kenny and Hunter talked amongst themselves.

"EVERYBODY OUT!!" Beckett yelled when he saw the tears falling down my cheeks.

When the room quieted and I heard the door close, Beckett scooped me up and carried me, bridal style to the bathroom.

"Sit." He said lowering me to the closed toilet seat.

I watched as he turned on the faucets and plugged the tub, filling it with warm water.

"Talk to me baby." Beckett pleaded.

"I know you're not okay." He followed.

"H-he. He watched us." I sniffled.

"Watched us? I don't understand." He said combing my face for answers.

"Us. You and I. He saw us." I followed.

"Ellie. Oh my god, I had no idea. I would never, you know, do that if I thought for a second anyone was watching." He spoke, knowing that I had been watched before or more so videoed when Mickey had molested me.

"Baby. I am so sorry. " he said, caressing my face. "I will find him, and when I do,I will unload the chamber in his skull. I promise you that." He said Angrily.

"No." I said small, putting my finger to his mouth. "No, you can't. Because If you do, they'll kill you. And I can't. -- I can't do this without you." I cried.

Any of this. I can't do this alone.

He nodded as if he understood and rose to his feet and put his hand on the bathroom door.

"I'll just be outside waiting. No one is going to see you." He said, before turning the knob.

"Beckett, stay." I said as I stood and tossed my blouse to the ground.

"Stay and hold me." I said lightly while I climbed in the bath and waited for him to join.


So this was going to be longer but I hit publish and I didn't mean too, so I didn't want you to be without an update so here's this. I'll do another chapter before the end of the week.

Nice to know that Beckett and Ellie are victims of Quinn yet again.

Be preparing yourselfs for a lot of crazy things to go on.


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