Chapter 35

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My legs were fuzzy, like the kind of static that displays on the television when the channel cuts out.  I wouldn't move El though, she was content and comfortable and I didn't mind. Even if it did tickle a bit.

We were headed Northwest to Oregon now, Hunter was driving, Cash and Kenny had finally slept and I couldn't. Insomnia has always really been my friend, more so these days than not.

My head kinda bumps the steel of the van when we hit parts of the ride but I'm not giving it any mind. My mind floats back to memories that are not welcome. But it's my past, I can't change the man I am.

I remember the first time I ever tried cocaine, I was with Frankie. She had talked me into it and when I snorted the line off the table she left me, I could have vomited. The taste of the crude powder rushed down my throat and burned my nose. My eyes poured the water and I did not enjoy it. But then, the high hit me.  It was euphoric. Something I had never felt before. I was hooked.

Frankie and I began to snort cocaine everyday. It literally made me crazy. Back then I didn't care what I done. You crossed me, I shot you. I was Relentless.  I remember the night I met Cash, the night before I left three one five. Cash was in a convenient store, trying to rob some little old man with a spray painted gun. I was just there to score some snacks and was amused at his immature tactics. I let him finish and followed him out, stalking to his truck and slamming him against the door.

"You tryna get yourself killed punk?" I spat in his face.

He tried to resist my hold on his shirt but I had pushed all my weight in to him.

"Next time." I said grabbing the fake gun from his pants, "grow some balls and get a real piece." I finished before tossing it on the ground and stomping with my foot and walking away.

The most hated memory I ever came back to was the night I had shot my father. I was so sick of his abuse torturing me in nightmares, so sick of always hearing my mothers screams in my head while he beat her for hours on end.

I felt relief when I pulled that trigger and it made me a monster.

Ellie didn't see me as some screwed up adolescent boy who got shafted by life, like most people had. She saw me as a protector, as a powerful man.

Blinking back out of my thoughts, I heard the tires screech on the wet highway and felt us collide in the back.

My immediate response was to throw Ellie down and cover her with my body as I felt the van screech more onto the pavement. I felt another hit to our rear and heard Cash yell.

"Holy shit man! He's ramming us." He yelled.

"Keep going!" I yelled.

"He's coming again." He said and I felt another jolt.

By now Ellie was awake and I could feel the terror radiating off her body.

"It's a black ford pickup." Cash said.
"I can't see the driver."

Kenny was doing his best to keep
Himself up, with his injury and all, and I was still hovering over El.

"He's coming to the side of us. Hold on." Cash yelled before we were rammed on the drivers side. Screeching metal sounded through out the van, making my ears hurt.

"Again!" He yelled as I braced myself for another hit.

"I need backup, Beck." Cash said steering the car. "We've got a flat and if we don't get this truck off our ass soon...."

I kissed Ellie's forehead and told her to hold on. I pulled out my Glock and made my way to the back of the van.

Sheilding myself with my arm I shot the pane of glass out of the window and started shooting.

Tires screeching, car horns blaring, I could feel the wetness of the rain on my hand as I unloaded a clip and came back in for more.

A few shots into this fiasco I heard the pop of a tire and the hiss of a radiator.

"You got them, Beck. Keep shooting and hold on." Cash yelled.

I ducked down to avoid the shots that were being fired at my direction and slowly moved my hand and shot again.

I felt a huge jerk to the right and felt our speed decrease.

"Almost there." Cash said.

A few moments later we were pulled inside a parking garage, hidden from the outside world.

I made my way back to Ellie and asked, "are you okay, baby?"

She nodded and I kissed her.
"Stay here." I said said before putting my gun back in my waistband and sliding the door to the van open.

Cash and Hunter started jacking the van up so we could put on the spare. While I stood there trying to get my heart beat to return to normal.

"What the actual hell was that?"
I asked.

"They came out of no where." Cash replied.

"We got to get the hell out of here. They are going to be looking for us. We need to back track, shake them off." I said.

"And how do we do that? " Hunter asked.

"We turn around." I said.

"Around?" Cash asked. "And not go to Oregon?"

"I SAID WE TURN AROUND. So we TURN around. Got it?" I yelled.

They both nodded and hurried up their work. 20 minutes later, we loaded up and headed back.

"Where are we going?" Ellie asked.

"Back to the Warehouse." I replied.

"The warehouse?" She questioned.

"It's safe don't worry. Oregon isn't safe anymore. They'll find us. It will take them a while to back track, we will lay low. By the time they come looking, we will be long gone." I explained.

It seemed like days before we arrived back at the warehouse. I could have practically kissed the ground when Cash pulled in.

We all, except Kenny and El got out to secure the grounds. I made mental notes of all the things strewn around, knowing that Marcus had came and tossed it.

Ellie's couch was sliced with a box cutter, her kitchen table to splinters, but it wasn't nothing we couldn't replace.

I felt myself checking over my shoulder more often than normal, I wanted to make sure that we weren't in any danger before I brought Ellie back in.

My feet crunched below glass and I noticed a picture underneath my boot. It was the one picture I had of my mother. She was a beautiful woman, Julia Adams. Too bad she ended up being a drunken whore who sold her body out. Dismissing the tug of my heart strings I set out to retrieve the one person who matters to me, out of the van, and back into our home.

Authors note:

Do you think it was a smart choice for Beckett to come back? We shall see. I think there may be about 10 more chapters left. Not sure as now I'm writing as I go since I lost everything on my phone before it was damaged.

I watched Insurgent and I keep starring at Theo, thinking of ways I can describe the way he looks at Ellie, but in all honesty he could look at me like he did a restaurant menu and I would faint. Yes ma'am.

Anyways. I need a good book or series to read on here. I love different types and I really want to read something amazing. I've read After and I've read up to date on Omertà and such. All different genres. Send me a comment and if I like it I'll give you a shoutout!

Much love! Thanks for reading!

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