Chapter 1

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"Beckett!" Quinn hollered.

"What?" I replied.

"Cmon man, we got to go. The cops are on their way." He yelled.

I swept the room with my eyes, moving my gun back and forth to show the people lying in the floor I meant business.

A man with a gunshot to his chest gasped for air as blood ran from his cheek. "Stupid Bast@rd."
I think to myself.

I can hear the cries of women, desperate for some douche bag knight to come and save them. If only that were true.

"Beckett, Now!" Quinn hollered again.

I grabbed the Rolex off the man who was now dead on the floor and slowly started backing away.

I turned the corner and bumped into a small woman.

Odd, I recall asking them all to lay still and here she was wondering around like my orders meant nothing to her.

I saw her chic design dress and matching Jimmy Choos before I saw her face.

Sandy brown hair midway down her back, pearl earrings, expensive perfume, diamond ring.

She looked at me, and afraidness plagued across her face. She stood frozen, unable to move while I stood blinking back at her.

I breathed every part of her fancy perfume in and I was captivated by her eyes.

"Beckett, we are going. Dude I'll leave you." I heard in the distance.

"Shit." I say and grab ahold of her arm and drag her away with me.

"Help, help. He---" she screamed and I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Don't you say another word. Not another fucking word, do not scream or I will blow your brains out." I said closely to her ear.

I tugged both her arms behind her back and held them to me as I lead her and myself out of this store.

The boys had the door to our van wide open and I shoved her in, climbing in behind her.

"No. What the fuck are you doing?" Hunter said behind the wheel.

"Shut up and drive!" I yelled and was catapulted backwards when he stepped on the gas.

"Who are you?" She asked me between sobs.

"Whatever you want, my parents. They'll give it to you. Please, Mister. Please let me go. Please, please don't kill me." She begged.

I smiled at her.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go. But I will promise to keep you alive as long as you benefit me, understand?" I said.

She nodded, trying to press her body as small as it would go and cowering her head.

"Beck, man. A girl? That wasn't part of the plan." Kenny said from
The front seat.

"What are you going to do with her?" Quinn asked.

"How about both of you shut the fvCk up?" Cash said.

"What's your name darlin?" I asked her.

She mumbled something incoherently.

I kicked her foot.

"I said, what's your name."

"Ellie."she said louder than she had anticipated.

"My name is Ellie."

"Ellie, I'm Beckett." I said and grinned at her.

"So I gather." She replied.

I reached over and grabbed her by the nape of her neck and forced her to look at me.

"Listen, Ellie. I don't like forcing my hand but rule number one is that you never smart off to me. Got it?" I said.

She nodded.



We drove a bit through town before Quinn pulled up in front of our deserted house. The place we have been staying is being cleared off for a shopping center. No one comes to this part of town and it fairs pretty safe for us.

I helped Ellie out of the van and she walked without resisting my efforts.

I sat her down on the chair and I zip tied her hands to the arms.

"Ellie? I asked.

She looked up.

"We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. You decide. You are safe here, with us. We won't hurt you, you have to trust me ok?" I said.

"Trust you? I'm suppose to trust you? Trust you after you broke into a store, robbed the place at gun point, shot a man and kidnapped me. Trust you? Who are you Beckett? If that's even your real name. Who are you? You're a nobody that's who. Me, well I am the daughter of a very wealthy man and when he finds out where I am, he would pay the pope to come and rescue me. You don't know my father Beckett, you don't know me."

Fury ran through me. Fire caught into the irises of my eyes.

" You don't know anything Ellie. Nothing. You think your father is going to come running looking for you, I assure you now, money can't buy everything. Let him send the pope for you, let him send the guards. I'll be waiting. You sit there in your fancy dress and your fancy shoes and you see people like me, people who have to hustle for a living and you spew vomit toward us. You think you're better because you grew up in a fancy house with a big luxury car, you think you are something because your daddy will be searching. But guess what my dear, he will search the ends of the earth and still never find you." I said before my hand connected to her jaw.

I watched as she licked her lips and let out a sob when she tasted the metallic flavor of her own blood.

"You'll do fair to understand that it's my way now, not yours."

And with that, I walked away.

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