Chapter 42

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I heard so much commotion out of my room as I anxiously awaited for Beckett to return.

"Stay here. " he said and I would do just that, until he came to get me.

I heard unfamiliar voices coming from the living room, but I could hear Beckett and Cash too.

I huddled myself under the blankets and waited, trying to think of anything to get the nerves to go away. I heard heavy foot steps coming down the hall, but I glanced and saw Becketts boots were still lying in the floor.

My heart raced as I heard the thumps of the floor boards inching closer and closer to my door. I could see a disfigured shadow from the light under the door and before I could even inhale, the door swung opened and there stood Quinn, with a gun to Beckett's head.

"I found her." Quinn called over his shoulder as he tossed Beckett into our room.

"Get up, get dressed, NOW!" he yelled waving his gun around. Beckett ran over to me, picking up his tee shirt from off the floor and pulling it over my head. "Stay with me." Beckett said, as I noticed a cut on his eyebrow and the deep bruise forming on his eye. "Stay right with me, This will all be over soon."

I stood from the bed and Beckett placed me behind him, to guard me from Quinn.

Quinn immediately stepped out and grabbed my arm, slamming me into the wall. " She listens to me." He spat.

Becketts eyes laced with fury, but I looked over at him and said, "Its okay. Im okay." Before Quinn pulled me off the wall and pushed me forward and down the hall, I could feel Beckett close, but not close enough.

"Im sorry, El." Cash pleaded, down on his knees with Marcus' gun to his head. "Im so sorry." He weeped.

"Awwwe, Eleanor James, how very pleased I am to meet you. " He said laced with sarcasm.

"I have hard so many, wonderful things about you. Sorry to hear about your uncles passing, a tragedy really, Im sure he is in a better place." He rambled on.

I never opened my mouth to say a word to him.

"You will acknowledge when Marcus speaks to you. Got it?" Quinn said.

"My uncle is no more important to me than some random man off the street. I would spit at his dead body if I was aware he was dead." I said back, angrily.

Marcus stepped forward, inches away from my face. His hand rose up and grasp my cheeks, firmly to turn my head from side to side.

"You're a little spitfire, like he said you were. You will do well, with my 315 men." He said, examining my face.

"I will go no where with you, you disgusting bastard." I yelled. And just like that I felt a slap to my cheek. He hit me so hard, my eyes watered.

"You will keep your whore mouth shut. Do you understand?" He asked.

"GO TO HELL!" I yelled as I spat at him.

SLAP. Another crack to my jaw, and my cheek stung instantly.

"Ellie don't." Cash said standing to his feet. "Don't argue with him." He said.

POW!! I widened my eyes as I saw Cash fall against the carpet, holding his calf.

"You do not speak, unless I tell you too, do you understand ? One more remark from you, and I will put a slug in you, just like I did to your little sheephish best bud down stairs, understand? Marcus said.

Hunter? Oh my god, he killed Hunter.

"YOU MONSTER!" I yelled to his face against Quinns arms. And my out burst warranted another slap from Marcus. This time, the taste of blood lingered in my mouth and dripped onto my clothes.

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