Chapter 22

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It was still dark out when Cash and I crept out.

I had slowly peeled the covers off of myself beside Ellie but she still woke.

"Do you have to go?" She asked her voice contorted with sleep.

"I do. I'm sorry. I'll be back as soon as we are done. Sleep." I said pulling the covers around her and kissing her cheek lightly.

I felt guilty not telling her where I was headed but I dismissed it and sat out on our mission .

We drove for a while and sat out on the street so that we could scope out the James Estate.

It was gated of course and had security cameras throughout. Cash had been able to log in through his system and disassemble them for 10 minutes.

We walked carefully around the perimeter and tried to find anything. I'm not sure what it was we were looking for.

Just as I was about to come around the West side of the estate, I noticed a black car coming up the drive.

I knew it was him before he even stepped out. I could almost sense him as every hair on my neck stood up waiting for him to climb out, dressed in a black suit and tie, shiny patent leather shoes and him memorable gold bracelet that I saw glimmer in the sun. Marcus.


Cash and I got the hell out of dodge as fast and as quietly as possible. Seeing Marcus at the James Estate was all that I needed to confirm that Damon's story was true, even if it was only half of the truth.

"What's our next move?" Cash asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"We lay low. We wait for a month or so, then we move out find some where that's safe and go from there." I replied.

"And Damon?"

"We keep him. Well, at least until he isn't any use to us any more and then I will kill him." I replied.

"What about Ellie?" He questioned me.

"We protect her." I said sternly.

He nodded.

When we reached the warehouse I immediately went to the door where Damon was at.

He sat on the floor, still tied at the wrist but enough he was able to feed himself.

"Beckett." He grinned.

"Cut the shit. I need to know everything about Marcus and Mickey and you are going to tell me. Do you understand? "

"I'll just finish up breakfast and....."
He trailed off before I smacked the plate to the floor.

"NOW! You will tell me now."

"How did Mickey contact Marcus?"

"He didn't. You see, Marcus saw you on that store video tape from the news and then when the James family released a statement concerning Ellie, Marcus contacted Mickey."

"And did what exactly?"

"He told him he knew you, from previous affairs and wanted to meet with Mickey so that he could discuss putting a bounty on your head."
He trailed off.
"I sat the meeting up for them, Mickey said he wouldn't stop at nothing to rescue her. But it was the way he spoke of her."

"What do you mean, how he spoke of her?" I asked.

"Mickey had a grin on his face talking about his glorious and pure niece, Ellie. Said she had been the apple of his eye and he would stop at nothing to save her, to keep her safe because he cherished her and the secrets they kept." Damon said.

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