Chapter Ten

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Faiza's heart has been beating too fast for the past few minutes, she constantly rubbed her sweaty palms on her skirt and kept her gaze on the ground throughout.

Her body began to shiver slightly and she suddenly felt like using the toilet, she hurriedly stood up from where she sat and said, "I'm coming," then without waiting for any reply, she rushed to the toilet.

The Imam and Farooq looked at each other's faces while Farooq was confused and scared the imam was more calm and relaxed.

'As much as I respect this man, he's ruined my relationship with my therapist,' Farooq thought mentally as he ran his hand through his hair, he tried to calm himself down by inhaling and exhaling slowly.

He heard someone approaching them so he quickly raised his head to see Faiza walking towards them as slowly as she could.

She picked up her bag and faced the Imam, "I have work," she said and left without sparing Farooq a glance. He felt invincible as he dropped his shoulders out of disgrace while he watched her walk away from the mosque.

He was angry the Imam could do something like that, she was the one helping him and helped him up untill this stage, why would he ruin his relationship with her.

'Now my schizophrenia is going to come back in full force,' he thought worriedly as he moved away slowly from the Imam.

"She'll come around don't worry," The imam said smiling at Farooq whose face held no emotions. He just nodded and stood up to stay further away from him. And for the rest of the day, Farooq just sat in his own. Deep in thoughts and thinking about the possibilities that could happen. He really hoped she would come around.

Faiza couldn't concentrate as her driver drove her home, she was through with work but only said that to get away from the uncomfortable situation.

She grimaced as she remembered the Imam's words, he was looking at them both and then said, "I would love you two to get married, you can have your opinions but we can all agree it's for the greater good," she scoffed.

'Greater good my foot,' how would she dare to get married to her patient, her own patient? Someone she witnessed all his bad days and got she herself mentally drain from, despite being a practicing therapist for years before she had met Farooq.

She shook her head in disappointment, the Imam had really thought low of her and willed no good for her, and especially with her own problems, a guy like that would only add more stress and agony in her life than good.

He wasn't completely cured, she would still have to take care of him after marriage, probably the reason why the Imam suggested she got married to him, to be his glorified caregiver under the umbrella of marriage.

She scoffed.

She had learnt not to trust men after all she had witnessed in her childhood and she wasn't ready to give a man so much and know that she would gain nothing in return.

Her mother, her sisters and herself were abused by her father during her childhood days, he would beat thier mother so hard she would end up in the hospital, she hospital had gotten to know her from her frequency at the hospital, and when they tried to step in, she would stop them and told them she loved her husband and he would change.

He didn't change, even after she had died from the suffering, he resulted to raping his own children and showing them hell on earth. He wouldn't allow them out not even to the hospital when they got infected or sick, and that was how Faiza had lost her two sisters, her only siblings, Fawziyyah and Farhan.

Their house was very huge and the fences were really high, the walls were made of soundproof materials, so no matter how much she and her sisters screamed, no one would hear them. They weren't allowed to step foot outside of their house nor have any discussion of any sort with others. Hence, she didn't blame her neighbors for nor hearing her, she was thankful her sisters corpses had a strong smell, otherwise she probably would've ended up like them.

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