11 | Wake up.

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"Another nightmare ay?"

Sanji blinked his eyes open. Soft arms held him like he was a baby in a cradle.

It had been three months since Sanji woke up, he wasn't in much pain anymore but he had been having nightmares every single night. He was getting more and more confident with using pen and paper to ask people questions and all that, he was able to stand up and move around without falling over, so that meant he was back to cooking.

Sanji nodded his head.

"I swear, you must have the craziest nightmares ever. You've probably woken up the whole crew." Zoro said. It was late at night (or extremely early in the morning) and Zoro was sat next to Sanji's bed playing with some cards.

"About that, what did you dream about? You were screaming like mad."

Sanji grabbed the log book at the end of his bed and scribbled something before shoving it in Zoro's face.

"None of my business? I think I deserve to know after taking care of your ass for a whole damn year, not to mention me soothing you after those damn nightmares every single night."

Zoro was right, he had held Sanji and rocked him back to sleep every time he had a nightmare, he also slept next to him just in case Sanji tried something again. Sanji was truly in debt to Zoro.

"Hm, It's quite nice, you not being able to bicker and fight with me, brings the crew some piece and quiet."

Sanji flipped him off.

"Oh come on. You haven't even said thanks to me yet! Well, wrote it yet." 

Sanji wrote something on his logbook.


"Listen, I'm sorry that I got mad at you when you first woke up, it's just... I was angry that you did that to yourself and didn't tell any of us what was going on. I missed you Sanji." Zoro said, his expression softening.

I missed you too.

Zoro smiled, just like he did three years ago. He felt warm, instead of his usual coldness.

"I've gotta go now, bye Sanji,"



Sanji stood in the kitchen, chopping an onion. It hurt his eyes, the weird way that an onion could irritate one's eyes. As he pushed the knife down once more, he didn't notice his finger sitting comfortably under the blade. 

Sanji dropped the knife and it clanged onto the floor, he lifted his finger and cradled it gently as he saw the blood rush out of the cut.

"Cook-san? Are you alright?" 

Sanji turned around to look at Robin, she had a concerned expression on her face, it turned to panic when she saw the bright red liquid on Sanji's finger.

"Careful Sanji!" Robin stood up and walked over to him, she held up his hand and looked at it.

"That doesn't look so good," she guided Sanji's hand over to the sink where she washed out the cut. Sanji watched solemnly as watered down blood drifted down the drain.

"You need to be more careful Sanji, you shouldn't be handling sharp objects at the moment, it's dangerous." Robin said, looking deeply into Sanji's eyes.

He nodded.

"Don't try and cook anymore, you haven't been cooking in a very long time, it will take a while for you to get back into the habit. Don't push yourself."

Robin guided him to the table where she sat him down and continued his cooking for him. 

Sanji hated this, he was treated like whenever he went near something sharp, he would immediately hurt himself. He was being treated like a child by his crew, but how could he blame them?

The feeling that he wasn't allowed to hurt himself, made him want to do it even more.

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