26 | Nightmares.

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The door slowly creaked open. It was an unusual and unexpected sound in the quiet of the night, as the silence was looming over every corner of the Sunny. 

The room was quiet, apart from the small hum that was present from the ventilation system. A blonde slept at the opposite side of the room, he tossed and turned as sweat trickled down his forehead. He seemed distressed.

The swordsman creeped over to the bed, careful to not wake up the other man, and also careful to not make his presence known, since Chopper had forbid him to harass Sanji while he healed. Zoro didn't care enough to follow Choppers orders, so of course he was sneaking in to Sanji's room to check on him.

When Zoro reached Sanji's bed, he heard the small pants and whimpers that escaped his lips. There seemed to be some sort of heat radiating off his body, like he was panicking in his sleep.

Hm? What's wrong with him...

Zoro bent down and examined Sanji's face carefully. He was sweating, every toss was accompanied with a scared whimper. Zoro slowly swept Sanji's hair to one side, revealing his red eyes and trembling lips. Sanji's face was wet with tears.

"Sanji?" Zoro whispered. The sound of his own name made Sanji flinch, even though he was fast asleep. 

"S-stop..."  Sanji whimpered quietly as he quivered in fear from whatever was in his dream.


Zoro froze.

Another tear spilled down Sanji's cheek. He breathed heavily and started to sweat, the room must have been too hot.

Zoro slowly opened the covers to the bed and slid in next to Sanji, he put his arm around the blonde and pulled him close. Zoro gently stroked Sanji's hair, wiping tears from his cheeks with his other hand.

"...Don't t-touch...m-me..." Sanji whimpered. His voice was so quiet, he could still barely speak.

"It's okay Sanji, I'm here."  Zoro whispered, lightly pulling Sanji closer to his chest.


"You're safe Sanji, you're safe now. No one is going to hurt you, not if I'm around. I'm here Sanji...I'm here." 

Sanji mumbled before curling up into a ball and resting his head on Zoro's shoulder.


Zoro kissed Sanji's forehead and brushed his cheek with his finger tips.

"I've got you Sanji, your brothers aren't here, those men aren't here, and your father is far far away. You're safe Sanji." 

Zoro smiled as he looked down at Sanji, he looked peaceful. Whatever nightmare he was having, Zoro hoped his words helped Sanji escape.

"Goodnight Sanji."


Woo it's authors note time :)

So I'm kinda back at school now so I have to attend it otherwise I get taken by the government. This means I won't be as consistent with uploading, so sorry about that. I will still try my best for all you guys.



No seriously- this is my most viewed and voted book, like, what is wrong with your heads? Do y'all lack a father figure or smth? Please get some sleep cus I know y'all are reading this at ungodly times. But thanks for reading this piece of shit anyway, clout boosts my ego more than inflation is being boosted rn. I love you guys (in the smutty way).

Stay dehydrated 👍

Bye :)

I hate it here

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