13 | Zoro's lament

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"What the actual hell.."

"I-I don't get it, why would he do that?"

"I went through all that damn trouble to help him, just so he could throw his life away yet again."

"Zoro, we should leave."

"No, I'm going to stay here until he wakes up. I'll give him a piece of my mind."

"Don't be too harsh, he might get a shock."



Sanji's eyes burned as they welcomed a beaming light inside them. His body ached and he felt dizzy, his vision was blurry, almost like his world was spinning. There were sharp pains in his back and his throat was dry, every time he swallowed, there was a deep and agonising burn in his neck.


Sanji's eyes shifted to Zoro, who stood over him. He didn't look happy.

"I bet you wish you weren't awake..."

Sanji remembered. He had tried drinking, and then he went overboard with it. He realised that the sharp pains were the glass pieces that he fell on, he wondered if there were still shards stuck inside of his body.

Zoro took a deep breath

"Why won't you damn answer me!?" 

Sanji's eyes widened and he started to tremble. He was scared. Scared of Zoro. 

"I'm fucking done with you."

Sanji looked away, of course Zoro would be upset with him. After all he did to help Sanji, he decided to be careless and hurt himself again.

"What would you do without me!? I slept next to you for fourteen months, took care of you whenever you were upset, I saved you when you tried to fucking kill yourself! Is this how you fucking repay me!?" 

Sanji was pulling himself backwards, even though he knew that Zoro wouldn't hurt him, right?

"Listen here you little bitch."

Zoro grabbed Sanji's collar and pulled him in violently.

"Next time you wanna fucking kill yourself, don't be sad when I do nothing about it. You can go ahead and die, I don't fucking care. So do it,

Kill yourself Sanji.

I'm not the one who should be taking care of you, but I'm the only one who will. No one cares if you die, no one cared when you were in a coma, so why would they care if you were gone permanently? I'll tell you the reason why no one cares, it's because you don't tell us fucking anything. If you don't tell us your reasons for wanting to die, we aren't going to fucking help, are we? Learn basic communication, Sanji. I'm not going to be here for the rest of your life to care for you, I'm not your fucking mother. Ha, of course you lack maternal education, I bet you didn't have a mother to teach you how to be a decent human being. And look at how you turned out, a fucking mess, you're shit Sanji, absolute shit. Zeff is a great man, he raised you so well, even ate his own fucking leg just for your sake. You're just an over dramatic brat that looks for attention by attempting to die, maybe this is why everyone you meet hates you. I hope your in so much pain right now, you deserve it, you deserve to be dead. Honestly it would make my day if you were dead, one less bitch to deal with. Just do it Sanji, no one cares anymore.


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