38 | Visit.

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"Expect a visit soon, Roronoa."


That's what the brothers had told Zoro before taking their leave, locking the door and abandoning Zoro to rot away in his cell once more. The metallic taste of blood ran through his mouth, he had bit his tongue when he heard what they had done to Sanji. His mouth stung and his bones ached, he could hardly move his arms and legs.

Where's Luffy when you need him...

Zoro's eyelids fell heavy and before he knew it, his eyes were closed and he was drifting off to the melancholic lullaby of the constant dripping of water at the end of the endless tunnel.

When I make it out of this shit hole, I'm going to murder everyone here.




The sound of metal against stone screeched in Zoro's ears.

How many years has it been?

He thought to himself. He didn't bother to look up or open his eyes to face whatever guard was making the small racket outside his cell. Zoro pretended to sleep, hoping the guard wouldn't give him any trouble if he wasn't awake.

"I've brought food for you. You look quite malnourished."

Zoro's eyelids immediately flicked open at the sound of a familiar voice.

A black haired man, skinny and weak. He was dressed in a white shirt with ruffles around the neck, and he wore simple dark trousers. There was a red velvet cape clipped to his shoulder by a golde chain that connected to the other side, so it hung neatly around his neck. His were a piercing blue, and his stare was cold and emotionless. His eyebrows were what Zoro caught the most notice of. They curled at the ends, just like a certain someone that Zoro knew.


No. That's not Sanji. Sanji doesn't blankly stare at people, he greets them with a warm smile.

".....Sanji? ...Is that you...?"

The man continued to stare with his blank expression.

"I'm sorry. I don't think we've met before."

Zoro pulled at the chains. He wanted to touch him, he wanted to kiss him and hold him. But that wasn't his Sanji.

"S-Sanji it's me, Zoro, we're-,"

"I apologise. I don't know who you are. I'm only here to deliver rations."

Zoro's heart sank and his chest tightened.


Sanji stared at Zoro, just like how he would stare at every other prisoner.

"Sanji, snap out of it! I don't know what this 'new guy' thing is but it's not you!" 

"I don't understand. I must leave now."


Sanji turned back. His blue eyes struck Zoro with a coldness he had never seen before.


"What did they do to you? Your siblings? They did something to make you forget about me and turn you into a heartless monster!" Zoro cried.

"My brothers? I love them very much, I doubt they would do something like that. I believe that you may be going through a hard mental state at the moment. If you would like, I could send some medics?"



"Now, now Roronoa. Why would you raise your voice against my wonderful brother ? He is only trying to help you." 

Niji seemed to have appeared out of thin air, putting his arm around Sanji's waist and pulling the shorter male closer to his side.

"You fucking-,"

"Now Roronoa, I hope you don't plan on bad mouthing our family. But if you do-," Niji pulled out a pocket knife and pulled up Sanji's sleeve, showing bruises and slightly healed scars that followed a similar pattern. Niji chuckled and placed the knife at Sanji's right arm.

"Hey! Don't you dare-!"

Niji slowly pressed the knife into the skin on Sanji's arm. Sanji didn't flinch, he simply remained in his cold, blank state. Red blood started to trickle down Sanji's arm, reaching his finger tips and dripping to the floor.

"STOP IT!" Zoro shouted, violently tugging at his chains.

Niji stopped dragging the knife along Sanji's arm but kept the blade pressed against his skin.

"Why would you want me to stop? Sanji enjoys this very much, don't you darling?" Niji smirked, gently holding Sanji's chin. Zoro looked horrified, seeing the blood flowing from Sanji's arm and Niji chuckling as he inflicted the wound.

Sanji nodded his head.

"Niji does this because he loves me." 

Zoro felt like he was about to be sick.

"That's right~," Niji laughed, pressing even further down on Sanji's soft skin.

"FUCK OFF! HE'S NOT HIMSELF! HE HATES IT!" Zoro shouted, catching Niji's attention.

"Hm? I thought you loved Sanji, why do you want more cuts on his body?"

"You're sick, all of you are sick. And this is a sick game that you're playing." Zoro said, laying back. He didn't want to be the cause for more damage on Sanji's body.

"Well then, if that is all you have to say, we will be leaving. Your shitting friends will be picking you up soon. Goodbye mutt," Niji smiled and waved goodbye to Zoro, sticking to knife back in his pocket and pulling Sanji by the waist to follow him.

"SICK FUCKER!" Zoro shouted. He wanted to get one more insult in before Niji left.

As they left, it all started to sink in.

Sanji's not Sanji anymore.

He doesn't know who I am.

He's been brainwashed into loving his shit family.

And he will probably never go back.

Someone fucking kill me.

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