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Zoro's hands were chained. 

Thick metal attached Zoro's wrists to the stone wall behind him. There were red marks on his skin, specially where the tight chains were attached. His head ached from where he was brutally knocked to the floor, and his throat burned from where the people strangled him until unconsciousness.

He fought.

He fought so hard.

But he couldn't do anything.

Zoro's eyelids tiredly opened and he set his gaze on the iron bars in front of him. He was in a cell, and that cell was in a dark dungeon, and that dungeon was in who-knows-where. The air was cold and thin, the only sound was the slow monotonous drip of a leak outside of the cell.

Zoro didn't know where the fuck he was, all he knew was that he didn't know where Sanji was. And that was the problem.

Zoro tugged on the chain, trying to pull away from it. Of course, it didn't work. It only made loud clanging noises that only deepened Zoro's understanding of where he was.

"That isn't going to work."

A voice spoke from the unseeable stairway where the small light shone from. Zoro turned his throbbing head to the voice and spoke back.

"The fuck are you?" A pained groan escaped his lips, it was hard to speak.

Zoro noticed the shadow of a person walking down the stairs approaching closer.

"Me? I'm just a guard, nothing more, nothing less." The voice said, stopping just out of view.

"What the hell do you want from me?" Zoro spat.

"It's not me who wants something, it's what He wants." The voice spoke darker.

"Who the fuck is He!? Let me the fuck out of here!" Zoro tugged his hands away from the wall as hard as he could. 

Sanji needed him.


Zoro's eyelids started to slowly shut as his consciousness began to drift away from reach.

Everything was silent, apart from the rage in his mind that screamed endlessly.

He had been trying to detach himself from the chains all day. Or night. He couldn't even tell how long it had been.

All Zoro knew was that everything hurt.

His vision started to fall to black before-


Zoro's awareness flickered back alive when he heard the loud noise. He looked to where it came from and his heart sank.


His body was completely covered in blood and bruises. There wasn't a part of skin that wasn't cut or marked. His closed eyes were red and tears stained his cheeks. He was limp, and the white solution that dripped out of his mouth made Zoro's blood boil.

His ripped shirt was covered in dry blood, and marks on his hips were darker than the rest. Whoever the fuck did this to Sanji, wouldn't live more than a minute if Zoro wasn't chained up.


It was a horrible sight. Sanji's battered body lying in front of him in a separate cell, where he could do anything to help. Zoro hated this. He wanted to murder, he wanted to kill. The rage was so intense, Zoro thought his head might have shattered.

There was no response.

"..what the fuck did they do to you..?"

The two men that had dumped Sanji's body in the cell walked over and locked the door. Zoro watched as they left, looking at their matching uniforms.


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