Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Bad guys?

Where did it all go wrong.

Where did he lose himself.

It had been a long time since he had gotten this mad. He hasn't even tried to fight someone.

But he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Oh not Nando. And definitely not Sammy. But the other guys sure were

It started off like any other school day.

"David, not to brag or anything but I actually wasn't confused in class today," Sammy said with a smirk

"Oh I know, you were acting like a huge nerd in that class. Even worse then Kyle," David snickered back.

The two walked together through the halls. They were on their way to pick up Nando from his last class. Usually Sammy would walk with Kyle, but Kyle had been acting weird lately. It was like he got lost in thought, or he would just stare at Sammy. He wouldn't say much, he would just be lost in thought. Maybe he had a big exam to study for and was just worried. Or so Sammy thought. He tried to ask Kyle about it, but he wouldn't really say much. He talked about it with Nando, because Nando was usually blunt about these type of things. But Nando said Kyle would do that to him too and it probably meant nothing. Which made Sammy realize that Nando was terrible with how people felt.

So instead of walking with Kyle to Nando, he asked David if he wanted to join him for a small walk. He just wanted to give Kyle some space.

A few hallways away was Nando, sitting inside his art class. He stood in front of a canvas and stared at it for a couple of seconds. Before sighing and dropping his paint brush. The bell had already rung so there wasn't much he could do, he had just given up.

"Why did you stop?" Kevin asked, he stood right next to the boy with his backpack.

"Yeah? You were doing so well," Clyde continued.

Nando didn't answer.

The canvas had a sketch on it, and it was barely painted on. The sketch itself was a simple male. He wore some type of ninja suit and had curly hair. The parts that were colored were blue and the pale skin tone. Part of the freckles were sprinkled around, but over all it wasn't done. It still had some spots of white here at there and the background wasn't even completed.

But Nando knew he couldn't finish it.

"Who was it anyways? Some type of ninja?" Kevin asked

Nando nodded his head.

"Really a ninja?! That's so cool!" Clyde cheered.

Nando nodded his head again.

He wasn't going to say who it was. It would definitely be too embarrassing.

Kevin looked at it for a second, he scanned the drawing. He swore he had seen something like this before. Maybe once or twice. It could have been from his childhood, because an imagine of a blue ninja did come up on the Tv when he was kid.

Then it hit him.

"Jay walker...?" He mumbled out.

Nando turned his head quickly. His face flushed and he grabbed Kevin by his shoulders

"No," he whispered

"Jay who?" Clyde asked.

Nando just blushed and shook his head.

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