redo chapters 1 kids

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[Rewiting  this story part]

Nightmare was walk home after destroying a village and burn it to the ground he had a 109 year old wait for him that home. That castle Nightmare was hope she did not burn down bit of the castle again.  Nightmare hear some baby crying and kids try stop cry baby nightmare start following the nose unilt he see group kids living together.

They had ripped clothes and dirt on their faces they were sleeping on the floor or tent. He hear baby that had a crack in his right skull and it was bleeding. Nightmare want to do something so he quily hidden in dark shadows to get better look that the children. He saw dark skeleton with errors glitch on him hold liitle baby bone trying clam him down."Crا§ hØle HøRrør bEføŕe I GlIcH AgAiN."

Error pass saw crying horror to cross who had milk for him. A white skeleton that look injured came out tent with three other skeleton sit down. " what are we going to do now." Small child with hoddiy and long red scarf om his neck said. " Horror wouldn't make it this winter there not enough food for all us." A child with black tears on his eyes and his soul show said. " HeY dOn'T §Ay ThAt hE wIlL mAkE iT AliVe tHi§ wInTeR AgaIn!" Error yelled that killer.

Killer" YOU SAID THAT LAST YEARS WINTER HE OH MOST DIE OF COLD AND HUNGRY!" Killer stand up but they hear smaller skeleton noise " what going in here?" Dust" nothing fresh go back to sleep I have twin to kill.." Dust look that killer. Dust look that a wall where nightmare was standing.  " Pap there no one there.." Dust look back to see  killer yelling"geno Dust talking to himself again!"

Geno " Dust what wrong? " Dust look that geno" pap said we're being watched by a dark skeleton on that wall right there." Dust poin that nightmare that they wouldn't see. Nightmare closet his eyes so they wouldn't see him too. Geno was little creep out again. " I going into town again, geno look that fresh who still dress and up wake,"fresh senses your up come with me." Fresh nod.

Nightmare was in shock he wouldn't leave them alone what after he just saw. So he followed geno and fresh in town to try talk to them. Right befor he could a human grab geno up in air. " YOUR THE BRAT WHO STOLE MY BULEBERRY   PIE YESTERDAY!" The human men grab geno by the neck coke him while fresh watch a d try stop him." PLS  LET GO OF MY BROTHER" seen this made Nightmare mad and about to stop him but a other monster fox grab him.

" don't even bother these kids been stealing were stuff for years now they deserve even that small baby bone too" Nightmare look monsters disbelieve. He push the fox monsters off of him and punch men who was coke geno up in air. He carefully caught geno slow putt  him down. Story owner came out. "MY BABY WHAT DID YOU DO!"she yell that nightmare. " maybe if you teach your misbehaving child to not hurt liitle children maybe i would punch him!" Nightmare yell that old woman.

" mama those are kid who stole our pie from store! " he pointed that fresh and geno. " oh these ungrateful children again stealing our pie again!" Old woman said nasy tone. " you better watch your fucked tone there " Nightmare said and curse that woman that made her upset. He hear small child cry. Night carefully grab fresh but him next geno who was pass out.

"Pless don't hurt him mrs XXXX we wouldn't steal from you!" Nightmare want kill her but fresh and geno were there with him. " I WILL NOT LISTEN TO A MURDERS CHILD! " Nightmare got piss" WTF DID YOU JUST CALLED HIM" by her he stand up carying fresh and geno on his tentacles and arm. OLD LADY" A FUCKED MURDERS YOU HEAR ME WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THROW 100 MILLION DOLLARS IN AIR LIKE YOUR SOME RICH PERSON!" Everyone start looking that Nightmare who  grab something in his pants.

And He throw  100 million dollars up in the air making Everyone and pie shop owner shock. Before nightmare left with geno and fresh he slap shit out of her make her bleeding from her face. Nightmare when near hospital. He was in wait room with fresh few min than.   " what your name youn one?"

Fresh look up that nightmare " oh my name is fresh what your?" Nightmare look down " my name nightmare king of negative and nightmare." Fresh oh most freak out he was talking to a royal person."thank you for help me and my brother and wow it most be so cool your a king but why are you doing round here?" Nightmare laugh bit."maybe I hear someone need help" nightmare look that fresh who had one of his eyes cover for reason.

"Is my brother going be ok?" Fresh look that nightmare with worried looked. "I hope so I really help heal you myself in my castle but I fell like I be leave lot other children your with." Freah look up that nightmare."how did you know there more of us!?" Nightmare stand up " let just say I saw you and your siblings but I can help you and other siblings if you want."

Fresh knew this was good Idea but he oh knew there was a caght. " what the other thing!" Nightmare " no is no catch you have some chore only there will be free food a home new clothes stuff all you need." Fresh didn't knew if he would take deal but it was for horror he didn't want lost horror this winter.

Fresh" ok deal but you have help with all my siblings! "  Nightmare " fresh I not the type person who leave someone family behind them." Nightmare pov:[ well few people I did leave behind] Fresh smiles in tear down his face and Nightmare him. Fresh reminds him about Luna she hide her left eye for a big reason. Nightmare saw doctor came his way. " hello are you person who took children name geno?"

"Yes is he ok?" Nightmare look that doctor with worried. " are you his parents or person take care if them?" Nightmare " no but I would like become there guriden." Doctor " ok just sign here than." Nightmare read the paper before sign it. " his say paying half hospital bill.." Nightmare growl that doctor try scan him. Doctor " fine here real one.." Nightmare read it too he fast reader and sign  it.

Geno came out to see fresh with someone he ran to him. geno" FRESH YOUR OK!" Fresh saw geno yelled that him.

End of this chapter


Fun fact

Luna is the only child of nightmare befor other join nightmare and live with him. I hear nightmare keep her safe in  his castle with dead prince who read in library. Nightmare had give birth to Luna when he was 291 years old  her father is unknow for now...

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