thank you chapters 2

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Geno saw nightmare and thank him. Fresh was too excited to fell geno the news. Fresh" Geno I made a deal with the king!" Geno look that fresh if he was serious. Geno" you made a deal with a king?" Fresh " yes his name nightmare look!" Fresh point that nightmare who was tall. Dark skeleton with tentacles under his cape. A gold crown shaped moon bit broke.

"He said we can live with him for free we only have to do chores geno!" Geno look that nightmare as a kind and respectful smile. " thank you so much mr?", Nightmare smile " Nightmare ".     "Thank you Mr nightmare ". Geno noticed he look like what dust said later night.

Geno" thank you for much let us stay with you!" Nightmare smile while Hug geno and fresh .

Fresh" now we go home and get other!" Geno smiles " yes we can" Nightmare act like he didn't knew where they were living. Geno" GUYS COME ON OUT!" Nightmare saw group kid came out. But fresh too excited " COME ON GUYS PACK UP WERE GOING TO BE LIVEING WITH A KING!"  Fresh yelling wake up baby bone.

Cross" fresh I just got him to sleep " Nightmare pop out accident scared them. " srooy my bad" Nightmare bow down and apologize to them. Horror saw nightmare and stop crying when. Dust" woah that was fast." Killer came out tent.  Killer" wait min what did you said again fresh? " Fresh look that them. "Were going to be living in a castle with a king!" Fresh said in (OMG ARE YOU GUY KIDING ME WERE ALL GOING TO LIVING IN A CASTLE NOW,  HOW ARE YOU GUYS NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!?)

Me:[*laughing* ok ok I srooy I just want make fresh little drama king bit]

Everyone exstep error " WERE LIVING IN A CASTLE!?". Hey all when hug nightmare and thank him. and nightmare just remembered he left luna home alone. A few min later they finished packing and nightmare tellport them to his castle.

Luna with her headphone " THIS IS HOWLLWEEN HOWLL-" luna saw her farther and other. "Uhh hi and you alll saw nothing ok..." Nightmare slap hid face. "This is my daughter luna your guys big sister" everyone look that Luna with a moon shape crown and bule cray have covering her right eye with some bands.

Luna" how old are you guys?" Geno got up but errors put him down and stand up. " I ThE øLdEsT tHaN tHeM" geno" I the second oldest ".cross" I the third oldest." Dust and killer" both the four oldest. Error " HøRrør i§ the YoNgeSt." Error show nightmare horror who still bleeding from crack from this head and missing left eyes and red glowing eyes wear only wolf pj.

Nightmare grab horror " I need to treat him when did his head crack?"  Nightmare ask them. Cross" a stupid monsters hit him when we all were get food grab stuff real quick than we hear horror crying in pain they took his left eye it was one week ago.."

Nightmare was surprised he should have been dust by now. Nightmare knew he had treated horror quickly and other make sure they ok too.

" Luna go burn down the village xxxx for me?" Luna grab her bag of stuff and sweater on. "OK papa I be back soon as you know it!" Luna when out burn down village and maybe kill few monsters for LV.
Fun face.

Luna had a twin but she die in birth with her farther. So nightmare had rise luna alone with out a dad

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