chapters 3 here we go again

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Nightmare had heal all them and horror he was in baby medicine box give them more HP sense his was low. Nightmare banch horror head poor liitle thing his skeleton head was crack Nightmare felt bad for him his injuries was really bad but he was so lucky to survive.

Geno" how horror Nightmare? " geno ask Nightmare. Nightmare look down see geno look that horror who sleeping.
Nightmare " he be fine but you all should go bed now it get late now i show your guys room tomorrow" Nightmare pick up geno and walk down stairs to see other sleeps on floor nightmare pick them up take them to his room sense his bed was big they did took a bath and now wear soft animals pj. Nightmare walk to medical room to check on horror.

He saw baby horror wake he open the box and took horror out baby horror start smiling that nightmare making nightmare think must protect innocent baby horror.

[ in future horror will not be innocent]
[But not spoiled future chapters hehe]

Nightmare walk down stairs to the kitchen feed horror warm milk he had give 5 milk bottles sense horror was really hungry horror use his baby hand ask for more. Nightmare " srooy buddy but you had enough milk to drink"
Horror look that nightmare with plss just one more!!!!! Nightmare " nope that cute face not going work on me little one" horror with face it was worth try .

Nightmare went to the living room to putt on tv he was putt some children Chanel like cocomelon, happy tree friends, cartoons network,  nickelodeon and others one think nightmare didn't know happy tree friends had some blood and killing one time. Next day everyone wake up smell some thing good .everyone got bit  use castle still get lost in it nightmare was makeing breastfast. Nightmare " breastfast is oh most done  just sit down and watch some tv" geno when to help nightmare

Dust, killer, cross , Luna who just came down stairs bit tired. Watch TV than happy tree friends show came up.

( will not begin show a video I don't want tramna tie young viewers here)

Nightmare grab TV control and change the channels. Killer and dust" aww I was wach green bear kill everyone nightmare! " Nightmare "i don't wannt your siblings to see this!" Cross" yes pls I not going be like animals for while..." Error " I DoNt LiKe ShOw ToO mUcH bLooD aNd KiLlInG." Luna" I think it was normal show" Nightmare smack Luna in head for that.

Nightmare POV ( who the hell putt these stuff on little kidd channels why call it happy tree friends if they going die by a bear they should call it happy kill your tree friends or something but it good show I watched later when kids not here )

Nightmare spent day take care of them get to know them. Nightmare "error I have to go somewhere  can you and luna take care the other?". Error look that nightmare. Error " øK  I wIlL."  Error had to living room where they were.

Nightmare telport  somewhere in random AU  spread his negative.  Nightmare was in random AU Unilt a positive arrow shot him in back. " WTF" Nightmare was in pain of the arrow on his back he knew noone can do that only dream can. Dream had woke up from his stone prison for 500 years now.

Dream " BROTHER PLS STOP THIS MADNESS THAT ONCES!" Dream had a other arrow poin that nightmare chest.
Nightmare "HOW DID YOU ESCAPE YOUR STONE PRISON!?" Nightmare didn't like Dream he hate him lot. Dream never care about Nightmare he was too happy get spoiled by village.

Nightmare knew Dream had watched him get bullying and did nothing stop about it. Nightmare was happy when he ate that apple but I didn't know about night..he still hide in castle hasn't seen other yet.

Fun face about nightmare and dream!

Nightmare hate dream so much he couldn't never NEVER forgive him.

Dream was asshole on nightmare he did not give a shit about him when there were kids.

Villages did lot bad thing to nightmare like , hit him, make him bleeding so badly,  r@pe him and close accident get pregnant, cost pdst

Nightmare was happy when dream turn into stone

It my dreamtale version srooy so dark but I just love drama!

Other fun facts!

The kids were get use to nightmare and luna. She act like oldest sister she oh way wannt to be she had cook for them when nightmare was out on dangerous mission geno and error cross  help take care horror dust and killer and fresh.

I had help Error with his haphephobia fear I had fine way how to help him
It took nightmare a day long time find what trigger his haphephobia.
——————          ————————

Nightmare was battling dream and ink same time unil small baby bone shot nightmare.  He look down to see baby bule skeleton. " WHY IS THERE FUCK CHILD HERE!?" Nightmare really hate fighting in front little kids.

Dream" swap he learned how to fight you soon ink said it would be good I deal!" To nightmare head it was not I goof I deal. Nightmare saw him has a one years old that he is right now. " wtf dream.." Nightmare was piss he just want end this battle but dream shot him repeat cost him retreat to the castle land on cold floor where everyone turn round to see nightmare in blood.

Luna yell " PAPA!" Luna ran down summons her tentacles pick up Nightmare off cold floor. Luna yell "ERROR GENO WATCH OTHER REALLY QUICK! " Luna ran to medical room heal nightmare.

Few min later nightmare woke up seen cross, killer, dust , Luna, fresh, geno,  error and horror sleep with him on his bed. Nightmare smile "sweet dream everyone " Nightmare putt horror clost to him so he couldn't get hurt. Nightmare srech his tentacles out hug them in bed.

Nightmare has to be careful now sense dream out stone prison that mean training others for there safety...

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