the accidentally chapter 6

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Nightmare had took us to the park to play sense it was warm day. Cross and geno were sit on grass reading a book under tree with nightmare who hold horror and watch us same time some other kids were in the playground too errors was hide sense dust , killer , fresh, playing hide and seek. Luna was on a mission with c-error-405 and coming back later day.

A kid name red and his gang came up to errors who hide from killer , dust and fresh. Red" hey this guy look like fresh meat!"
[ errors did have his string but on his figures not his face yet]

Bunny" yeah he dose I never seen him or these other kids" Red" let show them who own his town! " Red and his gang saw errors by himself they walk up to him start yell that him. Error painc but when Red touch him errors crash they confused what happened so they play round errors.

Errors " DoNt ToUcH m-EEEeee! " Error had painc attacks make him cry than he cashed the gang through it was funny until.. Error start glitch so bad tears marks start burning his face cost him scream in pain make lot glitch noise but errors was too far way but fresh was near and hear errors


Fresh saw errors glitch so badly he got angry that monsters who near him fresh ran and attacked them they had fight unil Red us gaster blaster on fresh creations a big sound make nightmare get up and give cross baby horror to see what going on he only see dust and killer look round for fresh and errors

Nightmare start to painc he grab dust, killer, geno and cross who hold horror with his tentacles and start run to the sound it cost. With errors and fresh and others. Fresh was injured his glass fell off show his soul in his eye

Red" your a freak!?" Red look that fresh who on the ground injured Wolf" yeah your freak go back where you freak came from!!" They started throw rock that fresh but befor they would hit fresh errors ran and took the hit. Fresh eyes wide with tears see this older brother get hurt again was pain in his heart. Errors had mark on his face make him look like he was crying .

Errors touch his face than string came out errors painc they try get rid of him but they made hugely string round red gang they try escape but only Red and 3 escape left 4 them stuck in errors strings.

Errors bent down hug fresh ask him.
Errors " aRe YoU oK fReSh!!" Look that fresh injured that made errors anger.
Errors " WHY DID YOU RUN WAY FRESH WHY DIDN'T YOU GET SOME HELP YOUR INJURED BECAUSE OF ME!!" Error yell hug fresh tie ignoring his pain in his bone and face errors was crying in burn tears. Fresh hear nightmare voice and look for them.

Fresh" I hear dad nightmare and other errors but I didn't want bullying hurt you more errors " fresh cry try get errors to forgive him for doing that. Errors stand and pick up fresh and putt him on his back try yell nightmare name louder.

Cross was worried about fresh and errors I scream out there name hope for them to hear me I hear some yell but it was gone I yell one more time I hear errors scream my name I ran has fast I can sense I carrying everyone's on my back. I saw errors glitch really bad and he was hug fresh who was crying but there was mark on error face I noticed.

Nightmare "what happened! "

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