chapters 15

48 3 0

( hey guys I skip time bit but not too much and switching bit oldest too!!)

Luna:113 years old
Geno:14 years old
Error:13 years old

Fresh:11 years old
Cross:11 years old
Dust&killer twins:10 years old
《《《《《《《《《《Middle oldest
______________youngsters ______________
♡♡♡Horror: who 5-6 years old 🥺♡♡♡

Geno pov: It been 5 years living with dad we have no regrets living with king of fear and negative. I don't know why everyone think he so bad. But horror turn 5 last year ago and 2-3 months horror Turing 6 this years! I am so excited but horror been growing big he oh most same hight when I was 8 years old. I bet horror and fresh going to be taller than us. And Horror oh way try to speak to us but having a hard time sense his skull is crack but he does love food.

Luna been busy making me and error take care of the others for long time. It rare to see her home nowadays. There was this time she been home with blood all over her body. Her bone were crack multiple times and her left eyes was bleeding really badly. I was surprised she still had a eyes still. But there were four more tentacles on her back making 8 of them now. Error and me ran help her but she stop us for reason.

Flash back: last year's ago

Luna" go get mama for me error and geno keep other busy while i try to walk to mama office" we both nod she oh so sounds like she was in so much pain but we want her to tell us what happened. But we hear a toy drop and all us look back to see the toy axes and horror in tears. Seen Luna in bloody mess and injured.We all look that each other not knowing what to do. But mama was on her way to see what was happening sense our negative was hight than normal. We saw mama enter the room worried if something bad had happened. She stop to see us froze not know what to do in this situation.

Her eyes wide to see luna injured really badly and us and horror who was in playroom few hour ago when us restroom few min ago killer told him. Nightmare slow walk to horror and pick him up. Horror was all ready crying bloody tears mix with tears."mama sis-sy hu-urt..." Nightmare hug horror try calm him down. Nightmare was not happy about this."Horror it just a dream sissy is not hurt ok just go back to sleep" Horror close his eyes believe nightmare word and quiet fall sleep. I ran to dad and he hand me horror. And dad ran to luna who look like she going pass out of lot of blood lost.

Nightmare careful pick up luna and start runing to medical room with errors who keep luna bone together "Luna what happened!?" Nightmare painc see this baby girl all hurt and want kill the person. Luna wouldn't keep her eyes open." Luna pls stay wake your skull is crack!!" Luna wouldn't open her eyes she was slowly fallen sleep. Nightmare painc taking luna to sciencetale right way. Nightmare left a note for geno, fresh and cross. Tell them there taking luna the hospital keep eye on other and c-error-405 was on her way to the castle.....

It been 2 days not seen luna or dad but error was with dad deal with luna injuries. We hear a portal open and we all ran to see luna in wheelchair a mask covering her left eye and wearing hospital clothes. We see error sleep in nightmare arm peaceful. Killer, cross, fresh and dust were asking lot of question what happened to luna..

Luna flash back
Luna was doing her job protect and guard and destroying stuff that too dangerous for area she was guard but other person who was mad that luna for destroying her hard work putting light elements in ground or some unknow area that can be us of a secret base or home town. But one day luna got attack by Gold angel army that want her dead and the area that luna was guard. Luna was worth 10000000€ dollars in wanted list. The battles was so long luna started to get tired. Luna was in bloody mess and one of monsters hit her eyes making Luna pissed and summons all 8 tentacles .

Luna scream in pain summons 4 new tentacles. Luna had oh most killed the whole army of anger and pain. Luna creativity a force fild kicking all gold angles out area. Luna buddy cane late seen luna all bloody. They try help luna but luna told them they need to guard the area 24/7 and luna telport way to the castle.

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