oh who is he? chapters 11

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Everyone was walking to horror room that near others . A loud portal open up and person who ran and hug nightmare make him fall to the floor. " HI BROTHER! " Nightmare see shattered hug him like a little child. " shattered did you just knock me into the floor!" Shattered " srooy I just came to vist you and bring luna a gift bag and srooy sweater "

Luna little nervous right there look that shattered bit fear and happiness. They stand up and shattered see kids with Luna. "Omg who are these cutest! " shattered when near dust , killer , geno , cross , fresh, and error who behind luna. " shattered don't scare my kids!" Nightmare yelled bit.

Shattered "WAIT you have more KIDS NOW WHO ARE YOU DATING TELL MEEEEEE! Or you kidnap some kids too!!!" Shattered jump up and down.
" I not dating anyone I just adopt them and I DID NOT KIDNAP KIDS!" Nightmare little anger.

Shattered " hey I just saying who his devil on you?" Nightmare got up show horror safety sleep bit. " his name is horror he sweet adorable little bean of mine gang and if you TOUCH ever hurt him I will MURRDER you hear me shattered.." shattered nod nightmare is the oldest and must obey his older or he just kill you if you don't.

Luna" so where horror room?" Luna who look that them with the other who nervous see shattered first time. " well I going wait unil horror old enough have his own room so he be with me for now so I show everyone where my room right now if you forgot where it is."

Me:( so overprotective nightmare T-T)

Nightmare room had purple and crayn mix together with gold

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Nightmare room had purple and crayn mix together with gold. His king size bed and tall book shelf with a large chair next to it is a baby crib so small next to nightmare bed. And some stairs.

Dust , killer " woah your room so cool!"
Geno lad down on Nightmare bed " soft" shattered was near Luna give her the stuff. " srooy about your eye luna hopefully I didn't blind you" shattered nervous try not get luna upset. " it fine uncle shatter you were just mad that all" shattered smile but still fell guilty.

"Omg luna your too nice for this world" shattered Led down on floor of love in his heart. " uncle shatter! " shattered " but it the turth sadly " the world can be happy but it mostly cruel everyone. Nightmare " ok let go I cook some dinner now" everyone ran down stairs because Nightmare cooking is every good to eat.

That end character srooy if it short

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