little trouble makers chapter 9

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Nightmare had punishment dust , killer , cross and geno for losing horror.

Meme while with luna
Luna waking in forest see error string round trees. Luna walk in to dark spoky forest see four monsters stuck yelling for help.

Monsters fox " someone there!" Monsters fox yell make other get scared bunny " stop dudde red and other left us!?" They hear stick snap everyone start getting scared . They saw a dark scared skeleton than a tentacle rap round them hold them tie.

They eyes were wide in horror the monsters laughed know what happened to them

Luna" HI GUY I BACK FROM MY MISSION!!" Dust look that Luna who is cover monsters dust blood. Dust" did you killed people who hurt error and fresh? "Luna nod but she got smack in head." Luna we don't talk about murder or killing people that table where people are eating! "
Nightmare has a rule

No enter my room without permission

Killer a d dust are not alow to be I'm kitchen alone

Ask me to go outside of go get stuff

No yummy late that night this mean you error and cross even you Luna

Cleaned up your mess guys

Do not try destroy play room again guys or I will make you clean castle!

Luna , geno , error are alow to keep ant eyes on you guys.

!Emergency call me or C-error-405!

No talk about work that dinner time that mean
-------------------luna" ok mama I wouldn't but after dinner ok!" They nods and start eating unil a knock in the door came. "I go get it finish your food" Nightmare stand up walk to the door seen someone that his Door." Can I help you? " Nightmare ask.
" yes you called me for a little chat about join you guys" Nightmare had forgotten about meeting. Bit embarrassed he not wear his king clothes " come in I much had forgotten about our meeting today come in" Nightmare let person in castle.

Everyone look to see a guys who had white eyes like error not glitch but shadowy he was wear a jacket too . Nightmare "are you hungry we have dinner made" Nightmare ask him
"Sure because I not trust c-error-405 cooking skills " Nightmare walk with him. "You know c-error-405? " the guy nod.

"Yeah she my dumb sister friend " he said and made Nightmare laugh bit luna and error look that reach reading each mind and smirk. Luna yelled out "MOM IS THAT MY FURNTER DAD!" Luna yelled makings Nightmare blushing out of embarrassed "LUNA NO, Nightmare yelled of embarrassed too, he know luna wouldn't do that only if she had a reason.  .???? Laughing bit of luna.

"I am so srooy about that oh I didn't get your name by way" Nightmare ask forgot his names again.????"Oh my name is hate sans" Nightmare hear that  name before it was top of the 10 villains in AU. "Nice to meet to you hate". Nightmare shake his hand and walk down table. He glare that Luna and  error who was try to record what just happened. The other took it has a joke and start eating again

Everyone was done eating  and hate too.
Everyone hand out while Nightmare and hate was deal some work and plans sense they were going work together.
For a while now. Hate left castle say goodbye to everyone a d disappeared into portal he made.







Horror who in his room with stuff animal red blanket  on him he was liitle only 1 years old. He want his mama so he cry the other came in room to see what cost Horror cry but fail. They knew nightmare was doing important things right now but they need help.

Luna and error try doing stuff what nightmare do but it didn't work.  Dust and killer try make horror clam down by grab his stuff animal wolf and fox try play with him but horror refuses. He want his mama to carry him.

Horror saw a purple skeleton enter room he stop crying.  The other couldn't see purple skeleton not even luna. The purple skeleton smile making baby horror laugh and giggle 🤭

The other were confused they look behind them to see no one there but when they turn round horror was gone.
Luna" horror come out thus isn't funny!" Luna check under bed of his crib.  Error check side bed and dust other side killer check room with geno and fresh.

"WHeRE i§ hE!?"error yelled. " I don't know!" Dust yelled. Everyone start check room unil a baby laugh. They all turn to see horror sit down with blanket on floor. " omg horror " geno shock. They were about grab horror unill something or someone they wouldn't see grab horror fast like they were using bule attack.

Them together "HORROR! " they all ran to catch person who had horror. They all ran out to see horror gone. Luna yelled" ERROR GENO CHEAK UP STIRT FRESH CROSS CHEAK DOWN STIRE DUST KILLER CHEAK EVERY ROOM IN MID I CHEACK OUT SIDE!" Everyone listened start run to see where there baby brother that.

And who took him from them.

Mean while for horror side of the story

Horror saw purple skeleton grab him when his siblings turn round  and walk out room. Carry him to nightmare room that was close to his room. Purple skeleton grab a bloody moon blanket. Horror giggle. Purple skeleton putt down horror on ground on top blanket.

Purple skeleton was bord but want mess with kids he watch over for bit days now. He wants mess with them and confused them. He know nightmare would be upset that he scared lift out them but he did for fun.

He want hang out with his adorable nephew and play with him. He was of course horror godfather and luna and other too but haven't meet yet. We'll sense he a ghost. Horror made giggle that made everyone eyes turn into dark cold hallways where horror was that and was going have some fun too.

Purple skeleton A.K.A night ran hallway and ran back and grab horror and blanket and telport other side castle and ran live room putt down horror who was giggle and feeling hungry.  Night notice and start make baby bottle and give it too horror.

Horror see purple skeleton like nightmare. Night sat down next horror chilling thing what to do mess with everyone. Horror wouldn't touch Night but nightmare can touch him. 

Mean while the other who are freck out what just happened.  Nightmare hear everyone yelled a d ran up there before everyone start run."what going on here!" Nightmare yelled bit but not in hight voice.

They explained nightmare what was going on.

What will happen!

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