heal error and fresh part2 chapter 6-8

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Luna was putt bangles on errors and fresh leg and arm and ice pack. Luna look the errors face bit burn marks but look like he crying. Luna" what happened to your face errors..." Error try look way but Luna grab his face put ice pack stop his face get worse. Errors look that Luna " It To CoLd On My FaCe." Fresh had his left eye close sense when they found him and errors beat up.

Luna" fresh can I see your other eye?"
Fresh look nervous he look that Error who still had ice pack on his face. Luna look that fresh with worried. Luna" is there something wrong or something you want tell me?" Fresh look that Luna a truth worthy big sister. Fresh" you won't judge me..." Luna look in shock Luna " fresh I wouldn't never judge you how you look" Luna give small smile. Fresh open his eye to show a souk in his eye.

Luna"waoh you don't see that everyday"
Fresh look in shock. Fresh" wait your not going call me name?" Luna look that fresh with shock. Luna" why would I call you name...do people call you name when you open your beautiful eyes fresh!" Fresh look way in embarrassed when Luna call his eyes beautiful. Fresh" yes but I got use to it" error took ice pack off his face.

Error " I StIlL wOnDeR hOw YoU gOt YoUr SoUl iN yOuR eYe?" Error and Luna look that fresh. Fresh look nervous. Fresh" it was a accident I swear of god." [Your kind of bad lie fresh]

Few min nightmare enter room see errors and fresh sleeping with Luna on bed. Nightmare whisper " Luna are you still wake?" Luna open her eyes all 6 them.

Fun fact
Luna other parents had 6 eyes but only show 2 or 4 some times only nightmare had seen him/her but Luna have some sharp teeth and useful rip off mental on her hand or leg to escape.

Luna whisper " yes papa/mama " Nightmare pick her up carefully not wake up errors and fresh. 🌃 and Luna walk to other room. Nightmare " I have mission for you and it's about what happened...." Luna eyes start glowing
Luna" where is it...." Nightmare look down to Luna "followed errors bule strings" Luna" is that all?" Nightmare look down on floor." Kill them when you found them....." Luna smile and grab her purple scarf . Luna " I be back unil dinner or late that night "

Nightmare hug Luna and wish her good luck Luna left castle to hunt 3 or was it 4 that still stuck In errors strings he accidentally made. Nightmare when cooking food everyone errors and fresh were sleeping Nightmare had carefully putt bed in living room while others in play room.

In wa- I mean playing room

Geno " killer stop sell our gold!" Kiler show the mid figure that geno. Dust " just give up geno we have baby prince"
Dust poin that baby horror who trying eat rope tie on him. Cross when seek attack grab horror jumps other side with geno. Killer yell " HEY GIVE US BACK OU-" cross had give l in loser that killer face.

Killer had summons a knife a red one crossed saw and summons his big sword block attack. Dust try stop killer try kill cross while geno try stop cross try killed killer unilt horror broke free and start crawling round floor escape wa- play room.

Dust show horror missing and rope broken. Dust" Horror escape..." after Dust said horror escape Everyone when quiet.

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