chapter 14

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Nightmare bring negative round aus to get attacked by dream and star sans and who didn't have baby blue with them finally. Dream " ok ink get bule out of the bag I don't want him to get hurt!" Ink nod grab baby blue  out backpack.  Nightmare blindly smacked himself for say that too early.

Nightmare " Dream are you stupid!? "
Nightmare yelled that him. He was so annoying of this he had enough of it. He carefully grab baby blue out ink hand and carefully putt him close to his chest.
Everyone stop in painc. Nightmare walk next to deam."let make a deal if I see you with a baby in battles fild I going kill it.."





Nightmare got them stop being blue in battles fild it really annoying him.

(I am srooy if it's short 😭 I promise update soon with 5 more 4 news chapters! )

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