Hi i am C.error 405 chapters 5

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[ everything is ok now here chapter 5 you guys]

Geno hear nightmare talk to someone he was going ask nightmare something unil someone with loud portal open and yelled "DEAL!" Person was so loud. Geno her nightmare voice "I fuck reget it now" Nightmare sound annoying of there person. Geno took a peek that person she was glitch like error but she was red and back her whole body and she look human too. I didn't want to over hear what they were talking.

I walk to the play room see baby horror sleep on a king chair and killer and dust are quiet play game on tv low volume.  Error and fresh up eating cross chocolate while cross try not yell that them or wake up baby horror. Geno walk in toy area and grab small note box and color pencil and start.drawing bit.

Few hour later baby horror woke up feeling hungry and his head hurt again.
Geno got up and grab him try clam him down. Geno" your ok horror shhh" Nightmare woke up sound baby horror crying he got up to see luna makeing a baby bottle for horror and geno try calm him down.

Nightmare walk to geno and geno hand over baby horror to nightmare arm to carry and check on baby horror head that was bleeding. Nightmare walk to kitchen where luna was."Luna meet me meditation room I have heal horror head." Nightmare rub his eye bit. Luna look that nightmare "ok papa" Nightmare walk to medical room.

He putt horror down on bed where he won't fall. Nightmare start heal his head poor thing. Nightmare give him kiss in head calm him down of pain."shhhh there there big sister luna is going come here get you food bit ok"  horror look that nightmare his shine crown and his body warm to. Horror was warm near nightmare like he was his morther or farther but horror fell nightmare was his mom more than a farther.

Horror hug nightmare while Luna got up bud into somebody. "Srro-" the unknow monsters got up" nope my apologies I was pay attention where I was going!" Luna look up to see ????? "C-Error-405 why are you here?" Luna look that c-error-405 with clean stuff. "Oh your dad made a deal with me if I do stuff he want me to do Than I can visit you guys whatever I want even if you guys didn't invite me" luna look disbelief.

Luna know c-error-405 was going annoying her dad nightmare so much unil he try kill her."my dad all ready reget the deal?" "Yep he is where is he?" Luna show baby bottle. "Oh he deal with another small bone" Luna nod."LET go because I want to see baby bone" Luna and c-error-405 when to medical room where nightmare was Carry baby horror clean blood coming out his head.

Luna" here you go papa" Luna gave the baby bottle to nightmare and give it to horror who was drink it too fash and nightmare pull it way." Horror not too fast again " baby horror look nightmare with face that say ( give me back my milk MOM)."only if you drink it slow horror " Horror nod he only 1 years old try unstand cruel world here.

C-error-405 " Nightmare wtf did you do to him!?" Nightmare growl that her."What his skull is broke and bleeding but I can help if you want" Nightmare look that horror though about it min" ok what the catch " Nightmare growl that her.

C-error-405 " I can babysitting your kid when you need me babysitting them so I can skip work" Nightmare look that her" babysitting them.." Nightmare in comfus because c-error-405 has no experience with kids.

Nightmare " ok I think everything is fine you can head back home I call you to baby sitt them next week for now" c-error-405 "ok I see you all next week" c-error-405 tellportal out nightmare though take everyone to the park.

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