!night brothers! chapters 12

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Shattered was watching the kids for nightmare while he cooks. Killer " hey uncle Shattered how long did you knew mom?" Shattered " how long did I knew nightmare uhhh for a long time. But I was younger siblings so it probably nighty or dream who know nightmare the longest " Luna " uncle shatter there not suppose know about dream remember issues mom has between dream?"

Shattered " uh ohhh that kids just don't say name round your mom ok let keep it as small secret ok" they nod they didn't want upset there mom. They when watching TV. They were watching Cocomelon. Shattered even watching it with them. Everyone " COCOMELON! " Nightmare was done making dinner a min ago and he start recording this part. moment when everyone yelled Coco- melon.

" ok come and eat " Nightmare carry horror and putt him on baby chair. And everyone start to eat there food. After that shatter spend time playing with his nephew and luna. While nightmare was sleeping. He hadn't slept in days or years now. He was oh ways busy with work. C-error-405 was busy too but she had time visiting nightmare and take care of the kids.

( srooy if it was short

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