chapters 8

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Baby horror was In the hall and  looking for nightmare  his mama he went in side nightmare room and see nightmare sleeping with errors and fresh. Horror try clawing up but fail. 

Nightmare woke up feeling something or someone was in his room nightmare carefully got up to see horror who try get up to his bed. Nightmare "Horror what are you doing here ?" Horror who still baby still can't talk yet. Nightmare "oh I forgot your still baby" nightmare pick up baby horror who hug him. Nightmare " I remember you were with your siblings...wait why are you wearing a dress?" Horror look down to realize he was wear a dress. Baby horror was about to cry until Nightmare changed he out in to a wolf pj. Horror eyes spark.

Nightmare "you like it?" Horror nod sense he learning. Horror hug nightmare again with big cute smiles.
Error and fresh woke up with Baby noise to see nightmare hugging Horror.
Fresh" no fair I wannt a hug.."fresh whisper.  Error " mE tOo" error whisper with fresh. Nightmare tentacles grab fresh and errors make nightmare hug them. Nightmare " there you two happy? " Nightmare ask error and fresh.

Fresh and errors nod make Nightmare laugh. Nightmare got up and when down stairs with fresh and errors and horror on hid hand. Nightmare can hear dust and killer yelling horror name and cross and geno yelling horror.

Nightmare " what are you four doing?" Nightmare look that them dust and killer stop look up see errors,  fresh on Nightmare back and horror on Nightmare arm. Cross" oh snack..." Nightmare " want explain why horror doing by himself kids..." Dust and killer ran leave cross and geno. Cross look that them. Cross " TRAITOR " cross yell that dust and killer.

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