heal errors and fresh chapter 7

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[ ok before we start i just found out that my parents found my tiktok account pls of god i hope they ask me about it i am so screwed 😱 and they just watch 4 of my video of my animation shit and i just upload one today about nightmare past season shit I am so dead...I have to go ask one of my friends have my tiktok account and make few video on there WHAT NEXT MY YOUTUBE CHANEL!? Here you go guys]

Nightmare was in shock to see brusi on fresh and errors Nightmare want kill the person who did it but Nightmare worrying about kids. He took everyone home call science sans check up on errors and fresh he putt everyone down nightmare hear luna running down stairs. Luna" hey dad/mom I back from my mission " Luma enter the room see everyone upset and worried. Luna look that fresh and errors who are bleeding and buries on there arm and legs. Luna was upset. Luna" what happened " she look that fresh and errors.

Errors " just some idiot beat us up..." Luna walk to errors and hug him with fresh. Luna" I going kill that morther fuc-" Nightmare look that Luna with death stader . " fuc-nker yeah kille these morther funker for you guys". Everyone nod. Luna pick up error and fresh was walk to medical room to wait sciencesans come castle. . Nightmare "listen every closely if someone get beat up and your right there seen it you run to that person and beat crap out the. You understand kids" Dust, killer , cross , geno nob while horror is sleeping.

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