are you ok nightmare chapter 4

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Nightmare woke up and got ready for the day and leave the other still sleep sense early in morning. He when down stairs making; breakfast for everyone.  Nightmare need help sense dream out his stone prison. Nightmare oh so annoying that dream had a 1 years old in the batte with him and ink.

Everyone woke up reason nightmare not there they start freak out if nightmare had dust while there were sleep. Dust" GUYS HE NOT DEAD THERE NO DUST LOOK!" They saw no dust but smell something good down stairs.  They all ran to see nightmare up cook breakfast for them.  Geno" papa  night- mare you should be resting! " geno yelled bit.

Nightmare " I fine geno just small injuries that all and food is ready ". Nightmare had pancake from them. Luna grab nightmare putt him down on chair. " nope I not let you do stuff today!, Luna grab plates and putt them on the table " your still injuries and you were bleeding!" Luna yelled bit again.

Nightmare " Luna I grow up I can handle small injuries now!" Error when close to nightmare bit. "hEy MaYbe YøŪ §hØūLđ lI§TeN )ūNa PaPa.." Nightmare still not use being call papa/ dad/ mama/ mom yet."fine I rest up after breakfast but you all have to be in playroom hold day unil I checked on you" Nightmare sad . Luna knew playroom the other hasn't seem it yet. They only explored bits of castle.

They ate breakfast Nightmare when to rest in living room so he can be closer of there were any troubles but nightmare remember he still need make room for them. Nightmare pick up his phone and start Dia a number.

?????" Hello?" Person in other line said. Nightmare "hey it me Nightmare I was wondering if you were free today? "  Nightmare ask person other side of phone. " yeah why do you need help with something? " Nightmare " yes I need help" person other side" do you need help with plann?" Nightmare " no but dream injured me and luna no let me do stuff and I still need make other room so i need help!" Min wait."WAIT DREAM GOT OUT OF HIS STONE PRISON!?" Nightmare knew she/he would be shocked bit mad. "yeah and i got shot by dream arrow and end up accident scary little bone round here I'm castle" there quite for moments unilt "

"YOU HAVE MORE KIDS YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME YET!?" Person in other line yelled. " I forgot to tell you ok can you pls just help me out!" A small laugh in other side" what do I was as return?" Nightmare think for a min. "I let you come to my castle with out my  permission or i-" befor Nightmare could finish talking a loud portal open a monster who was glitch bit yelled out loud in Nightmare eat" DEAL!"

Nightmare "Fuck I start reget this deal" the small monster walk to night
-mare  " so what do I need to do?" Nightmare got up give ????? A box.
"I need you cleaned 7 room of the castle for them and one of them baby prof!" ????" Your so overprotective like when luna was a baby or time when someone trick her  and she end up drinking black apple like you did in her age nightmare"

Nightmare summons his tentacles on her."I fucking dare you SAYthat one more TIME, nightmare said it I'm a deep scary voice. "Oh pls you don't scary me" nightmare growl bits. "OK I take it back know no need try killed me". Nightmare " you know you so annoying " nightmare was piss that her.

" ok ok I start work but.., nightmare wait for a replica " keep your dead gohost brother out of my way this time. last time when  I was here he scary lift out me nightmare! " Nightmare smirk that her and start laugh. "How in fuck your scary of a 5 hundred old little boy! "

" oh shut up nightmare  I know your scared of him too" nightmare " yeah yeah I know that only when he piss"
The unknow glitch bit."hey you ok?" Nightmare ask monsters. "Yeah I fine just small Glitch in my system again"

Nightmare wouldn't help but to be worried.  He been partner with this monsters years now." If you say so" the monsters walk to the room nightmare had ask her to do. There not in a romantic relationship there co worker partner in bad sans team army. Nightmare led down and fell sleep. He forgot tell other there someone who in the castle with them.

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