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Jade pov

Jade- "I can't say it"

Tori- "Do you have feelings for me?"

Jade- I look into her eyes then I look at her lips then I look down. "Vega we've know each other for awhile you know the answer to that"

Tori- "can you just say it"

Jade- "Tori do you have feelings for me?"

Tori- "um"

Jade- "see you can't say it either"

Jade- We sit in silence for awhile then I hear Tori say something but I can't make it out. Tori what did you say?

Tori1- "yes"

Jade- "yes what?"

Tori- "yes I have feelings for you isn't it fucking obvious and I know you do to but we can't do anything about it my parents would flip and I'm sure yours would to. The world just sucks" 

Jade- I look at Tori she looks so sad I let her rest her head on my shoulder and a stroke her hair. "So what if no one knew"

Tori- "no one knew what?"

Jade- "this" I lean closer to Tori our lips inch's away she leans closer then our lips embrace. We are just sitting against the large rock kissing like we were longing for this to happen for our entire lives. I pull back gently and smile at Tori and Tori smiles back.

Tori- Her lips turn into a frown "we can't we shouldn't"

Jade- "tell me you didn't feel the sparks Tori tell me that it doesn't feel normal when we kiss."

Tori- " I don't like lying" she says looking at the ground.

Jade- "Why have we cared what others think."

Tori-" because out of this scenario we're the strange ones"

Jade- "I've been called strange for all sorts of things no one ever gets my obsessions but that doesn't make me change myself so why have I let people make me push my feelings away."

Tori- Starts crying "We can't its not that I don't have feelings for you but it's not normal Jade we shouldn't have these feelings for each other we shouldn't"

Jade- "why not what do we care what others think"

Tori- "Jade you want to be an actress no one would ever hire you if they found out that your

Jade- " That I'm a what"

Tori- "That you like girls"

Jade- "That's not true"

Tori- "what's not true?"

Jade- "I don't like girls I like you Tori"

Tori- "I like you to I really like you but I care about you and I don't want you to throw away your career for me.

Jade- "you care about me?"

Tori- "Of course that's why this us can't happen"

Jade- "I care about you to and if that's what you want for yourself not thinking about me then we can just forget all of this."

Tori- "I don't care what happens to me I never planed on becoming famous or anything"

Jade- "Then what's stoping us?"

Tori- "What about Beck"

Jade- "I love him but I feel like I can't open up to him" "He's always been checking out other girls I caught him kissing one the other day" "you know what I didn't even care I didn't cry I honestly felt relieved. "For once I had a reason a real reason to break up with him"

Writer: I know these have been short they will get longer when more characters are thrown into the mix.

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