Janitors closet 

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Tori: Why does Jade want to meet me before lunch I think about this same question thru every class.

Bell: "Ring Ring"

Tori: Finally lunch I grab my backpack and head over to the main entrance I find Jade already waiting for me. "Hi" as the word came out of her mouth Jade looked around quickly and took my wrist bringing me into the janitor's closet locking the door pushing me against the wall. Hello to you to Jade" I say smiling

Jade: "Less talking"

Tori: She comes closer to me our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips are pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat I feel her tongue wanting entrance I grant it I then slide my tongue into her mouth our Salvia intertwining.  I feel her cold hands on my neck they slide down and rest on my breasts I take my hands and feel up and down Jades body finally resting them on her breasts we pull apart from the passionate kiss leaving us both quite breathless and wanting more. I stare into Jades eyes and she stares back "I love you"

Jade: "I love you to Tori" Jade says as we sit inside the janitor's closet cuddling Jades arm around my shoulder

Tori: I start to cry

Jade: "Tori what's wrong?"

Tori: "I love you"

Jade: "I know you do"

Tori: I look up at Jade seeing her beautiful face I take her hand off me and stand up "I can't love you it's not right" I say crying unlocking the door and running to the bathroom tears running along down my face. I lock the door so no one can come in and  fall down against the wall and just cry.

Cat: "Tori what's wrong" I look up and see cat coming out of a stall I thought I was alone.

Tori: "Nothing" I wipe my eyes but I keep crying

Cat: "Tori what happened" Cat says sitting next to me

Tori: "Nothing happened"

Cat: "Does this have to do with Jade?"

Tori: "What no where would you get that idea"

Cat: "Well you obviously like each other it's quite obvious even with all of the bickering"

Tori: "No I don't I don't love her I mean no I don't like her"

Cat: "Oh ok well you just said the L word"

Tori: "The what?"

Cat: "Love"

Tori: I keep crying and look away

Cat: "Com-on tell me I won't judge you Tori me blueberry here won't judge you either. Cat says showing her blue giraffe.

Tori: I look up at cat her innocent eyes I know she wont judge me I still don't want to say it. It feels wrong. "Jade Likes me and I like her" I force out of my mouth

Cat: "So what's the problem?"

Tori: "Cat where both girls we can't love I mean dang like each other"

Cat: "Why not?"

Tori: "You don't get it"

Cat: "Have you kissed?"

Tori: I look away not wanting to look cat in her eyes "Yah I feel like I'm on another planet when I kiss her it feels so right in the moment but then a wave of guilt comes over me my Brain tells me I was wrong to do so but my heart wants  more"

Cat: "Aww Jori Jade and Tori kissing in a tree
K I S S I N G first comes love next comes marriage then Jades pushing a baby carriage"

Tori: "Cat your not helping"

Cat: "Your just so cute together I bet she's really sweet to you when your alone"

Tori: "She's amazing I couldn't wish for a better person"

Cat: "So what's the problem then?"

Tori: "I don't know I don't like hiding"

Cat: "So then why are you?"

Tori: "People aren't as opened minded as you"

Cat: "I beg to differ I know plenty of people that are open minded don't to mention sikowitz"

Tori: "What?"

Cat: "Well I wasn't suppose to say anything but remember when Sikowitz forced you on a "date" he knew that you to liked each other he's more observant then you know"

Tori: "It doesn't matter my parents would kill me if they found out"

Cat: "So just don't tell them"

Tori: "That's lying"

Cat: "It's not it's staying safe do you love Jade?

Tori: "Of course"

Cat: "Then that's all that should matter"

Tori: I hug cat "thanks please don't tell anyone"

Cat: "I won't I promise mr blueberry has his lips sealed as well"

Tori: "Thank you I have to go find Jade" I leave the bathroom and go back to the janitor's closet I left my bag inside then I'll have to go look for Jade I open the door and Jade is inside she's crying.

Jade: "You saw nothing I'll slice your throat if you say anything leave" but then she looks up and sees me "Tori"

Tori: "I hope your not going to slice my throat"

Jade: "I didn't know it was you I'm sorry"

Tori: "No I'm the one that's sorry I acted immature I'm just scared"

Jade: "I'm scared about how others will react to"

Tori: "No I'm scared of messing up and losing you I don't know if I can get rid of the thoughts that come into my mind"  I then sit down next to Jade then the bell rings I don't get up and neither does Jade

Jade: "What thoughts?"

Tori: "That I'm broken and a freak that something's wrong with me that this isn't normal"  I rest my head on jades shoulder and she hugs me

Jade: "Your not broken your not a freak nothings wrong with you and who wants to be normal anyway normal is Boring"

Tori: I smile at Jade we spend the last 2 blocks in the janitor's closet skipping class we don't speak but say many words together I have a feeling that we are thinking the same things we are both scared we both have thoughts that come into our mind but most importantly we both love each other I don't think I ever loved any of my ex's I was never terrified of loosing them I never would want to risk everything to be with them. It's been hard to admit to myself truly to myself but I love Jade west I love a girl and she loves me.

Bell: Ring Ring

Jade: "Well I guess it's the end of the day Tori"

Tori: Let's go

Writer: I've seen many Jori stories that everyone is accepting and they fall in love not caring what others think but that's not the reality in the matter I'm making this story to showcase the struggles that people in the lgbtq community face I know that makes this story less desirable to read but that doesn't matter to me. I guarantee one person will eventually appreciate this story and that's enough for me. To be continued.

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