I love you

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Jade: "Hey Tori so what did Trina say?"

Tori: I sit on the opposite side of the bed "She said she was fine with me um dating you and she's not going to tell"

Jade: "You look sad but that's a good thing right?"

Tori: "Yah I guess"

Jade: "Hey what's the matter" I say rolling to the other side and sitting up

Tori: "Eh it's nothing"

Jade: "It's obviously something"

Tori: "It's just..."

Jade: "Hey if you don't want to tell me it's fine"

Tori: "I just don't know how to word it"

Jade: "Just say it however I'm sure I'll be able to understand it"

Tori: "My parents..."

Jade: "What about them?"

Tori: "They've said stuff against people like us"

Jade: "Wait so you don't want to be my girlfriend?" Wait is she breaking up with me

Tori: "No it's not that your an amazing girlfriend I can't believe your mine" Tori says with a slight smile

Jade: "Then what?"

Tori: "It's just I feel like I'm lying or my parents  idk but when my parents say "I love you to me" I'm just thinking they wouldn't actually love me if they found out about us or my feelings in general. 

Jade: "Hey your parents are the ones lying if they would kick you out or disown you they don't love you.  Parents love should be unconditional"  Tori smiles at me and rests her head on my shoulder she's just staring at the ceiling.  "Hey You know if you ever did need a place to stay my door is always open my mom doesn't care enough to learn anything about me so she wouldn't catch on"

Tori: "It's just so stupid you know like why do we have to be hiding it just makes me feel even more strange you know"

Jade: "I think its  hard for people to understand when you've never felt it before"

Tori: "Felt what before?"

Jade: "The feeling like your on top of the world when your kissing or just spending time with a girl your girl just the feeling of love" wow that was stupid I think to myself looking at Tori  wait I just said I love you to Tori well kinda

Tori: "I love you too" I give Jade a small kiss then hug her "Thank you"

Jade: "For what"

Tori: "Making me feel human anyway you have to rest you look tired. I have to go to a few stores you want me to get you anything?"

Jade: "Um no but could you go to my house and grab some of my clothes"

Tori: "Yah sure"

Jade: "Ok here's my key" I say throwing it to Tori she catches it and smiles

Tori: "See you soon"

Jade: "Bye" I say as Tori is going out of the room I am a little tired still it's nice for Tori to notice I'm fine overall tho it's nice that Tori isn't babying me Beck use to do that all the time I'm gonna go to school tomorrow even if Tori tries to stop me it sucks I hate this dang cast is pink ugh my least favorite color. I wonder why beck hasn't called? He's probably off kissing that girl or doing god knows what else idk how I'm gonna break it off. It was over the from when I saw him
Passionately kissing that girl he just doesn't know .I'm not even mad I never could really talk to beck he doesn't understand my collections and obsessions he was always trying to figure out why but with Tori she doesn't understand but she understands it makes me happy.  I feel happier when I'm with Tori I love Tori I loved beck but it's different he was my first love I was blind. I'll always love him he was my first everything first date first kiss first partner  so he'll always have a place in my heart I can't blame him for what he did I never let him in. Wow brain shut up I need some sleep and with that I fall asleep

A few hours latter
Tori: "Hey Trina I say after I open my house door and see Trina on the couch"

Trina: "Hey sis what you got there"

Tori: "Some of jade's clothes a few other things from the store."  "I got you a bag a chips"I say  handing them to her

Trina: "Thank"

Tori: "No problem" I say as I head upstairs I peek into my room and Jade is still asleep great this will be perfect I put down A bag of Jades clothes and take out a bag from the art store and pull out extra large tip sharpie markers and paint markers. I go onto the bed pull up her blanket exposing her cast I take a large black sharpie marker and pull off the top and start coloring the entire cast black I'm about 75% done coloring it
Black when Jade wakes up

Jade: "Hey Tori what you doing" Jade says half groggy

Tori: I'm almost done I'm coloring your cast I say with a smile

Jade: "Let me look"

Tori: "No it's a surprise you'll see once I'm done  turn on your side I want to get the back

Jade: "Ugh ok you better not be adding hearts and rainbows to it

Tori: "I'm not" I finish coloring black and then take out gold and silver paint markers along with red and get to work

Jade: "Are you making a full in painting what the heck is taking so long"

Tori: "Ok ok I'm done you can look now"

Jade: "Finally" she says as she sits up and takes the blanket off of her looking at her ankle!

Tori: "We'll do you like it"

Jade: "Do I like it Tori I love it"

Tori: "Wow really?"

Jade: "Yes! I didn't know you were such a good drawer the skulls and the scissors with the blood dripping off it's so cool"

Tori: "So better then the pink cast?"

Jade: "Omg Tori 100% better"

Tori: I sit down next to Jade to my surprise she hugs me.

Jade: "I love you so much"

Tori: "I love you too"

Jade: "I hated the stupid cast and didn't want to go to school with it"

Tori: "That's what I thought there is no stoping you from going is there?"

Jade: "Nope I don't want people to think I'm crippled when I come back so I'm not taking any days off"

Writer: Hello :)

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