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Tori POV
.... Tori is sitting in class

Tori: Why does Sikowitz want to do the play with Jade and me as the lead doesn't he know a lot of parents aren't going to like this. Especially my parents what am I going to do tell them there is no end of year play? They get emailed notified. I don't know what to do will my parents let me do they think where just acting anyway. My parents can tell when I'm not acting. Will my parents get mad at me? Will they get mad at Jade? Why is this so stressful.

Teacher: "Hey Tori you alright"

Tori: "Huh what yah I'm fine"

Teacher: "Go take a walk"

Tori: "Sir I'm fine"

Teacher: "It's mandatory"

Tori: "Ok sir I'll be back"

Teacher: "Take as much time as you need"

Tori: "Thanks" and then I leave and start walking around and I start thinking again will my parents kick me out of Hollywood arts? Will Trina tell that I'm whatever I am because she's going to be jealous I'm the lead? How mad will my parents be just from a play? Will Cat slip and tell??? Will my parents find out I'm dating Jade? Will I get kicked out????? I'm so stressed and my heart is pounding and my head hurts I then run into someone falling backwards. I look back and forth

Sikowitz: "Tori are you alright I'm so sorry I thought you would have stoped when you saw me you don't look to good" sikowitz helps me sit against the wall "Tori what's wrong you did did you hit your head?

Tori: "I can't breathe ,I'm dizzy"

Sikowitz: "What's wrong I don't think you hit your head Tori your shaking"

Tori: "I'm um fine" I say trying to slow down my breathing

Sikowitz: "Are you having a panic attack"

Tori: l look around trying to focus onto something

Sikowitz: "Tori hey Tori hey calm down breathe in and out slowly and close your eyes"

Tori: I close my eyes I breathe in and out for a few minutes and open my eyes sikowitz is looking at me scared

Sikowitz: "Better?"

Tori: "Yah sorry for running into you" I say doing the breathing thing a few more times

Sikowitz: "What's wrong tori what got you so stressed out?"

Tori: "Nothing"

Sikowitz: "Tori if you got that stressed out it can't be from nothing"

Tori: "I don't want to do the play" I force out

Sikowitz: "What why?"

Tori: "Sikowitz it's going to get a lot of backlash from angry parents"

Sikowitz: "This concept was recommended from the PTO"

Tori: "Oh"

Sikowitz: "Why would you think that many parents would hate the play sure some will but that goes for any play"

Tori: "I don't think my parents will let me do the play?"

Sikowitz: "How come are you sick?"

Tori: "Um no it's just my mom didn't even want me to do the radical improv with Jade"

Sikowitz: "Why?"

Tori: "Because um" I look around apparently I'm still not fully calm down

Sikowitz: "Hey tori just breathe"

Tori: "Their um"

Sikowitz: "Their what?"

Tori: I look down "homophobic"

Sikowitz: "Oh is that why you and.. I mean that's why you don't want to do the play If you didn't want to do the play for whatever reason you should have said so"

Tori: "But Jade really wants to do it I do to but my parents would never let me

Sikowitz: "Your parents don't have to sign off on the play"

Tori: "I don't want them seeing the play"

Sikowitz: "How come?"

Tori: "They can tell when I'm not acting I mean fuck wait sorry I didn't mean to swear" I start freaking out again

Jade: comes down the hallway " Tori what happened are you ok"

Tori: "I'm fine Jade"

Jade: "I went pass your class and saw you weren't there I was looking for you what happened"

Sikowitz: "she just had a..." I cut him off

Tori: "I just fell that's all didn't break anything I'm fine sad we won't be cast buddies tho"

Jade: "Tori you sure your fine no offense but you look like you just got ran over by a train"

Sikowitz: "I'll leave you to alone I have to get going Tori can you stop by my class at the end of the day" sikowitz says walking away

Tori: "Yah sure" I say before he's out of ear shot

Jade: "Tori what's wrong"

Tori: "Nothing I just fell"

Jade: "You sure your alright you didn't hit your head did you?"

Tori: "Jade I'm fine" Jade starts checking my head and my wrists and ankles "Jade I'm fine stop it"

Jade: " Hey I love you sorry I care if your hurt"

Tori: "I'm not hurt"

Jade: "Then why does it look like you got ran over by a train"

Tori; "I'm fine I just have a test that's all" I feel bad for lying to Jade but I can't tell her I don't want to do the play she was really happy when sikowitz said we could do write the play I can't not do it.

Jade: "You look like this over a test we'll I wish you best of luck your smart you'll do fine" Jade says standing up and extending her arm

Tori: "Thanks I say grabbing it"

Jade: wraps her arms around Tori's waist "it's been a hard day can I get a smooch"

Tori: "What no!!! Where in school"

Jade: "I don't see anyway around"

Tori: I look around "ok"I say smirking turning around to face Jade and I give her a light peck and she passionately kisses me back to which I do the same I pull back and giggle "ok enough I don't want to get caught

Jade: "What's their to catch just a gorgeous girl kissing her girlfriend"

Tori:"Wow your full of yourself aren't you"

Jade: "I was talking about you Vega"

Tori: "Well either way it wouldn't be wrong" I say smirking at Jade

Jade: "We better get to class the bell is going to go off soon"

Tori: "Ok bye can you wait after school sikowitz wants to talk to me"

Jade: "Yah sure bye"

Tori: "Bye I say heading to my class"


Sikowitz:" I knew it" he says smirking behind the pillar " "Must have been that date at Nozu I have good eye" he says sucking on his coconut "drag I'm all out of coconut better go look into my classroom"

To be continued

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